Contributors Carnival October 29 2010

October 29, 2010
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
Carnival, contributing members, Instigators, Leadership, Leadership Blog, leadership resources, members, ResourcesThe Lead Change Group is a contributor-supported leadership development community. Contributing Members commit to help build a leadership development destination on the web. They give not only their time but also their money and some creative juices as well. Their contribution will help us create a destination that attracts individuals wanting to both contribute and grow (because you seldom have one without the other).
Those who contributed to the Lead Change community this week posted articles on their site that you should also see. The latest post of each contributor is included here for some weekend reading. Please check out their blogs and connect with them directly. Their contribution is making a positive difference for all of us.
Don Shapiro, of First Concepts Consultants posted on 3 Steps to Boost Jobs and the Economy. Don suggests that targeted tax credits for hiring the unemployed, lower prices to small businesses, and America demanding overseas jobs be brought back home can add 5 million jobs in 5 years.
Heather Coleman of LeadSwag has a post about Lead Change (of all things!). Thanks very much for the kind words Heather. I honestly hadn't seen it until now!
Kevin W. Grossman blogs at Glowan Consulting Group. His most recent post is Schleprocked! The 17-Second Organizational Excellence Survey Results. The most recent post on the site by his collegue Marc Michaelson titled A Global Leadership Passport for a Flat World. The site is full of great stuff.
Finally, Jennifer Miller of The People Equation edited the blog this week and will be doing so for the remainder of the year. She's doing a wonderful job helping create the processes we use to make sure we provide fresh, challenging and diverse content every week. Her latest post is titled Don't Let Nostalgia Impede Progress about how open source technologies are changing organizational communication. This is a must read!
You can click straight through to most of the Contributing Member's blogs on the Leadership Blogs page. Also, don't just be a reader! Become a Contributing Member. If you have questions, just drop me a line. Together we can change the world! You don't want to miss that!
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