Do You Need to Aspire to Inspire?

Personal Development
May 2, 2013
Jon Mertz
Founder of Thin Difference
Aspire, Inspiration, inspireTo aspire is to rise up to a great plan, an abundant hope of fulfilling a worthwhile mission. To inspire is to convey a feeling of joining a higher cause, influencing soulful action. Simply defined, aspire is an individual effort while inspire brings others into the mix. How do they impact the way we lead?
A disconnect happens when inspire and aspire standalone. When it happens, both lose their meaning.
We focus a lot on inspiration. We want to be inspired because we like the way it makes us feel. However, if we just inspire or feel inspired, is that enough?
Similarly, aspire in a solo mode can be limiting.
So, let’s pair “Aspire” and “Inspire” and see what transpires!
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Jon –
I am a big fan of short messages which are long on content. This one did a fine job of filling that bill. Thank you.
“…. let’s pair “Aspire” and “Inspire” and see what transpires!”