Do You Want to Write a Book?
Personal Development
June 10, 2013
Mark Miller
VP of High Performance Leadership, Chick-fil-A
Author, Books, Platform, WriteIt's a question that, admittedly, may only speak to a small percentage of people. However, it is a question I get often… What advice do you have for an aspiring author?
This is a fun and strange question for a guy who sells chicken for a living. I’m no expert on writing books. However, with three published titles and a fourth in the pipeline, I do have a few ideas for you to consider.
In this post I share 3 ideas that will help you to write and publish the book you've always wanted to publish. Read More...
I DID write a book. It was a purt-near religious experience; never have I put so much into something, had it GUTTED (by an editor… but God bless ’em, a good editor is essential if you want your best work out there), then had to put even more and more up on the chopping block 😉
But writing a book does establish you as an expert in your field. I recommend it to anyone that’s looking to gain a platform for public speaking, sell expert services, or just in general wants to help someone with what they know.
I used to look at writing a book as kind of a self-back-patting exercise in narcissism… so naturally I did it 😉 … But now I know it’s about sharing your best with the world and letting it make up its own mind.
Diggin’ this post Mark… any advice to an author that would like to gain as big a platform as YOU have..?
Keep Stepping,