Finding Your Own Version Of Resiliency And How To Achieve It

July 28, 2021
WI Admin
Business and Leadership, Growth, relationships, resiliency, Trauma, WebinarWhen so many factors play into how individuals combat crises, there’s a stronger need to redefine what resiliency looks like. How each of us shows up is influenced by our upbringing, economic status, culture, and experiences. The more you know about what resiliency looks like, the more empathy you’ll have for yourself and those around you.
Listen as Mikaela Kiner, joined by Ruchika Tulshyan, Emily Parkhurst, and Dr. Cheryl Ingram, discuss what it means to find your own resiliency and learn how to achieve it.
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar on August 3rd at 1 PM (ET) as Kim Cameron shares insights from his book, Positively Energizing Leadership: Virtuous Actions and Relationships That Create High Performance. If you’re ready to learn how to become a more successful leader and see the impact that positive energy has on your team, then you don’t want to miss this webinar! Register for this free event here.