How To Stay Marketable And Keep Your Job

May 6, 2020
WI Admin
Bonnie Marcus, crisis, Job Search, job transition, Video, WebinarWith the current crisis we are in, so much seems to be rapidly changing, with new information daily causing anxiety. One of the biggest concerns individuals are facing is a new constant fear surrounding their job security. When so much seems to be out of your control, what can you do to stay marketable and maintain your job? Now more than ever, there is a strong need to remain relevant and innovative within your career.
Award-winning entrepreneur, author, and contributing writer for Forbes, Bonnie Marcus assists professional women to successfully navigate the workplace and position and promote themselves to advance their careers, and consults with companies to retain and support their female talent. Now, she turns her sights to the current pandemic and the fear of job loss that so many are facing right now.
Listen in as Bonnie shares actionable tips for how to stay marketable in a virtual world, and how to align yourself for the best possible outcome within your career during this crisis. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to help you grow your career and reach your ambitious goals!
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy the upcoming webinar with Paul Thornton, author of Leadership: Finding Your Sweet Spot, as he provides guidance on navigating your way towards discovering your own leadership sweet spot. He explains the challenges we face due to varying needs, skills, and experiences; and discusses the impact that motivation and perspective can have on our search for that sweet spot.
What does it take to find your leadership sweet spot? Join Paul Thornton and Becky Robinson on May 20th at 1 PM (ET) to find out! Learn more and register here.