Jane Perdue: The Character-Based Leader Co-Author Interview

Best of Books
October 17, 2012
Christina Haxton
Author Interviews, Character-based Leadership, Heart based leadership, Jane Perdue, The Character-Based Leader BookCheck out this great interview with Author, Jane Perdue:
Chapter Title: "Using Your Head to Manage Your Heart to Lead"
Jane Perdue
Principal/CEO, Braithwaite Innovation Group
Co-Founder, Get Your Big On
A friend once touchingly described Jane Perdue as a quiet storm of inspiration, a leader who wasn’t afraid to tactfully bring up the elephant in the room or shy away from bringing compassion and soul into the workplace. She’s done the corporate executive thing and did it well. Yet the corporate charm bracelet of success wasn’t fulfilling. Too much emphasis on money, the bottom line and externals like the corner office and wearing the right brand of shoes.
She has learned that life is full of either/or problems to solve and both/and paradoxical tensions to perpetually manage. Sure, there are problems with one right answer, but most people want to apply simple answers to complex situations. In her second act, she works with leaders and women in business, inspiring their performance at the intersection of the art of leadership and the science of business. That’s where they grab on to big, bold, brave thinking and open doors to living their best life, one full of confidence, promise and courage.
Her articles have been featured in the Charleston, SC Post and Courier newspaper and SmartBrief. Her first book, Yes You Can!, a leadership anthology co-authored with Warren Bennis, et al., was released in 2010.
Connect with Jane online –
Websites: www.braithwaiteinnovationgroup.com and getyourbigon.com | Twitter: @thehrgoddess | LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/janeperdue | Blog: getyourbigon.com/leadbigblog/
Get your copy now at characterbasedleader.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble or iTunes