Is Your Future Pulling You Forward?

Personal Development
January 29, 2013
Susan Mazza
CEO, Clarus Works
stand up, Strategy, successHave you ever felt like one of Dr. Doolittle’s “Push Me Pull You’s” with your past pulling you one way and your future attempting to pull you another?
We all have things from our past that have held us back or kept us stuck. It can be painful and frustrating when we come up against something from our past that is keeping us from moving forward powerfully.
Believe me, I have been there. Until I learned perhaps the most important lesson of my adult life – my past truly does not have to predict my future.
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[…] Posted in Self Leadership you ever felt like one of Dr. Doolittle’s “Push Me Pull You’s” with your past pulling you one way and your future attempting to pull you another? […]