It’s Not The Words, It’s What You Do

July 21, 2021
WI Admin
Authentic leaders, authenticity, employee recognition, Love Em or Lose Em, retaining employees, Video, WebinarYou know the old saying, “Actions Speak Louder Than Words!” It really is what you do…not just your words!
We are constantly told that showing employees that they are valued and appreciated makes all the difference in retaining talent, but what is most often misunderstood is the HOW.
How do we get past the why and move towards the do? What are the steps that managers can take to start showing their employees that they, along with their work, are meaningful assets to the organization?
Listen in as Mike Horne, author of Integrity by Design: Working and Living Authentically, and Bev Kaye, co-author of Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, Sixth Edition: Getting Good People to Stay, provide insights into how to show up authentically and create an engaging workplace in order to retain employees.
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar on July 27th at 1 PM (ET) as Sabrina Horn shares insights from her book, Make It, Don't Fake It: Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success. If you’re ready to fight the feelings of impostor syndrome and loneliness that come with leadership and become more resilient through humility, empathy, mentorship, and self-assessment, then you won’t want to miss this webinar! Register for this free event here.