Leadership and the Power of Humility

December 11, 2019
WI Admin
Bill Treasurer, Humble Leadership, humility, Marshall Goldsmith, Video, WebinarIt’s been said that there are two types of leaders: those who have been humbled, and those who are about to be. Humility is often a result of humiliation. Leaders learn their most powerful and enduring lessons by facing hardship, enduring setbacks, and making blunders,
Bill Treasurer and Marshall Goldsmith, bestselling authors and two of the world’s most respected leadership thinkers, share how to benefit from your leadership mess-ups and failures so you can become a more grounded, authentic, and humble leader. The untold truth is that most leaders don’t go from good to great. They earn their stripes the hard way, and go from decidedly bad to pretty good.
So, set aside a lunch hour to strengthen your leadership. Join Bill and Marshall in uncovering how leaders grow and develop through their mistakes, and discover why humility is the key to great leadership. In the words of Mark Twain: “Good judgment is the result of experience, and experience is the result of bad judgment.”
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy hearing more about this same topic from Edgar and Peter Schein, authors of Humble Leadership: The Power of Relationships, Openness, and Trust. In today’s complex world, leadership must rely on high levels of trust and openness throughout the organization. Join the Scheins as they discuss how to build high levels of trust and openness throughout your organization. Watch now.
You can also browse our library of free webinars for your continued learning in personal growth, professional development, and workplace culture. Explore our full selection here.