Let's Talk About Lead Change

Tomorrow, the Lead Change Group will hold a conference call at which members and interested parties can learn about Lead Change and contribute to the group's future direction. Before I give you the specifics and a personal invitation, a bit of background.
Mike Henry, Sr. founded the Lead Change Group in 2009 as a non-profit dedicated to instigating a leadership revolution. Mike’s passionate belief that we bring energy, even life, to our world when we bring the best of who we are and give it away fueled this movement.
Under Mike’s leadership, the Lead Change Group became one of the most socially shared leadership blogs and published a multi-author book about character-based leadership, The Character-Based Leader.
Becoming A Part Of Weaving Influence
On October 1, 2014, the Lead Change Group, no longer a non-profit, became a division of Weaving Influence. The vision of Becky Robinson when Weaving Influence assumed the Lead Change Group was to continue to develop the website as a powerful resource to help people make a bigger difference through their lives and leadership.
The Future of The Lead Change Group
Although I was peripherally involved with the Lead Change Group for a few years, I did not assume any role for its administration until I began working for Weaving Influence in October 2014. I became an Instigator and I assumed responsibility for coordinating blog posts from Lead Change Group participants every business day.
One comment I started getting from friends and peers when I would tell people about Lead Change was: "I don't completely understand it."
As with any feedback that is sincerely given, I had to respect the fact that there was something about Lead Change that more than one person did not get. I suspect that Lead Change is still in the process of finding itself after the change in October 2014.
We have the potential of a vibrant, growing community within our Leading Voices, Instigators, and Members. Helping visitors to our site get it is going to take all of us unifying around a shared vision.
Lead Change Conference Call
We will be holding a 30-minute conference call on April 24, 2015 at 1:00pm ET to give existing Lead Change Group participants an opportunity to touch base and bond, as well as give people who are interested in Lead Change a chance to learn more. Can we do it all in 30-minutes? Probably not, but it's a start, and a reason to be enthusiastic.
In addition, attendees will have a special opportunity to become Instigators for a reduced rate. We will share the information at the end of the call.
Join The Lead Change Group Conference Call
To join the call from your computer, tablet or smartphone, go to: https://global.gotomeeting.
You can also dial in using your phone by calling +1 (408) 650-3131 and using access code 909-081-477.
If you are unable to attend, we still want your feedback and involvement. Feel free to share in the comments, or to contact me directly to share your thoughts.
Thanks for the reminder and expanded comments on tomorrow’s meeting, Paula.
I’m looking forward to listening, learning, and contributing as I can.
I am excited about it, John!