Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Personal Development
December 9, 2011
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Achieve, Achievements, Balance, Coaching, leadership coaching, Leadership Development, new year, personal development, Planning, reflectAs we move closer to the holidays, I find myself reflecting about the places I've been this year — both literally and figuratively: people I've met, lessons I've learned, choices and challenges.
I also find myself thinking about where I want to go next year, as well: in the new business I'm building, in my family, as a person, and as a professional.
This reflective, dreaming place is not one I often visit. More often, I am moving too fast to think about these over-arching questions about my own purpose, vision, and direction. Like you, I'm too busy DOING business to slow down and consider how to grow my business.
Those of us who live in this leadership space strive to be others-focused: thinking about our journey through life in terms what we can give and add to others.
In doing so, we may neglect to take time to reflect about our own desires and aspirations.
We may miss the chance to plan and implement the changes and actions that will help us get to where we want to go. And we may miss a larger opportunity to move to a place of greater influence with others.
"Physician, heal yourself."
"Leader, lead yourself!"
I want to encourage you to take some time over the next few weeks to ask yourself the questions you may use in coaching others:
What is would my ideal life look like? What steps can I take to move closer to that ideal life?
What balance is missing in my life? How can I find it?
What do I most want to achieve in 2012? How will I achieve it?
Focus determines impact. Your energy and time are in limited supply. Once you have answered these questions for yourself, you will be poised to make a bigger difference in the lives of others, in your life and business.
Kevin Eikenberry wants to help you consider these questions and others as you create the business you desire. I hope you'll register and join him for a free 75 minute teleseminar on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 8 pm ET. Even if you cannot attend at that time, register and you will receive access to a recording of the call.