May 2016 Leadership Development Carnival

May 2, 2016
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Leadership, ManagementWelcome to the May 2016 edition of the Leadership Development Carnival!
This edition touches on so many nuances of leadership! Starting with a discussion of leadership myths about leadership and ending with a discussion of the role of sleep, this collection has something for each visitor.
Let's Get Started
Anne Perschel of Germane Consulting submitted Is This Leadership Myth Leading You to Fail?. Anne shares, "You’ve discovered and avoided the pitfalls of a number of myths about leadership over the years. But this one is tricky, because it was working, or so it seemed." Locate Anne on Twitter at @bizshrink.
Chris Edmonds of the Purposeful Culture Group contributed The One Thing Great Bosses Pay Attention To. Chris summarizes: "There are a lot of things that can grab a leader’s attention. Most are urgent but not important. Great bosses pay attention to one thing more than any other. Learn what it is - and why it’s so important - in this post." Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.
Dana Theus of INPOWER Coaching submitted Managing A Team With Psychological Safety To Achieve Team Productivity. In this post, Dana writes "Teams aren’t smart because smart people are on them; teams are smart because everyone—no matter how small—contributes and feels comfortable doing so." Find Dana on Twitter at @danatheus.
David J. Greer of Coach David J. Greer contributed Finish Well. David shares, "Focusing on how you finish your day sets you up to be the best leader you can be for your next day." Encounter David on Twitter at @djgreer.
David Grossman of The Grossman Group shared 10 Must-Do Tips for Persuasive Presentations. This post offers ways senior leaders can most effectively hone their presentations. Discover David on Twitter at @thoughtpartner.
Jill Malleck of Epiphany at Work contributed Engage with Interest not Aggression. Jill shares, "Results-oriented leaders may be too aggressive in the way they engage with staff’s work. Here’s how self-awareness helps leaders to make personal style changes." Find Jill on Twitter at @epiphanyatwork.
Jennifer Molina of the Institute for Corporate Productivity, Inc. (i4cp) provided i4cp Study Finds Managers Who Cling to Good Talent Are Bad for Business. This post explored how companies with agile, mobile workforces outperform competitors. Tweet i4cp at @i4cp.
Jim Taggart of Changing Winds contributed Should Leaders Ever be Morally Flexible?. Jim summarizes: Effective leadership involves staying true to steadfast principles and maintaining a consistent, ethical approach to how you conduct yourself daily, whether it’s through community service, managing in business or government, or interacting with peers as you solve problems and serve customers and clients. Find Jim on Twitter at @72keys.
Joel Garfinkle of the Career Advancement Blog submitted Get Ahead by Speaking Up at Work. Joel recaps: "If you want to advance, you have to be visible. When you speak out and share your opinions, people will see you as someone with power, influence, authority, and leadership. If you stay silent, you won’t be noticed, and your career will stall out." Discover Joel on Twitter at @JoelGarfinkle.
Jon Mertz of Thin Difference contributed How to Trigger Innovative Leadership. Jon shares, "When creativity is unleashed, organizations stay ahead of the curve. To trigger innovative leadership, we need to be the example. These three ideas can help." Follow Jon on Twitter at @thindifference.
Julie Winkle-Giulioni of Julie Winkle-Giulioni submitted From Team Building to Team Bonding. Julie summarizes, "Most organizations invest heavily in activities designed to build teams and support the results they are capable of delivering. But team-building is just a stop on the road to your ultimate endgame. Consistently delivering superior results, quarter after quarter and client after client, demands going farther. It demands team-bonding." Find Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.
Lexie Martin of Leadership Directions provided Building Team Cohesion With Emotional Intelligence. By developing self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management skills within their teams, leaders can drive productivity and innovation. Connect with Lexie on LinkedIn.
Lisa Kohn of Thoughtful Leaders shared Don't Miss the Sparkling. In the post, Lisa shares that as leaders we can be caught up in unimportant tasks and not be fully awake to the moments around us. But Thoughtful Leadership reminds us to be completely in the moment, see the best of it, and to have it bring out the best in us. Find Lisa on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Marcella Bremer of Leadership and Change Magazine shared The Collaboratory: Working Together in Finding Ideas That Energize to Take Action. Marcella describes the post: "The 'Collaboratory' is a co-creative engagement process for solving complex problems with your team or organization. Using three phases from Otto Scharmer’s Theory U (Downloading, Envisioning and Prototyping) the participants generate and try new ideas. How’s that for engaging and energizing your workplace?" Locate Marcella on Twitter at @marcellabremer.
Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture shared Leading With Character: Citizenship . To summarize, "Citizenship - or loyalty to a group - is on the decline in today's organization's. Here's why leaders need to be intentional about modeling citizenship." Follow Michael Lee on Twitter at @michaelstallard and @connecttothrive.
Neal Burgis of Burgis Successful Solutions submitted Leading With Presence to Communicate New Ideas. Neal recaps, "Face challenging presentations and conversations with more confidence when you communicate your ideas to others. Showcasing your presence of the way you stand and walk are something to think about. You need to demonstrate very well the way you speak. Using your leadership presence to communicate your ideas to prospective clients will help you move your business or organization forward." Find Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.
Randy Conley of Leading With Trust shared The Single Biggest Difference Between Leaders and Managers. Randy writes, "Randy Conley says the difference between leadership and management is often overhyped. But he advocates there is one key distinction between the two in his post. How you approach this one factor will define whether you’re leading or managing." Find Randy on Twitter at @randyconley.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership submitted Sleep is an Important thing But It's Not the Only Thing. Wally recaps, "If you want to be as productive as you can be, you need enough sleep. But that’s not all you should do." Find Wally on Twitter at @wallybock.