Meet Instigator Chery Gegelman

June 12, 2013
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
Collaborate, Community, Courage, Leadership DevelopmentEach month in our newsletter, we feature an interview with one of our Instigators. The interview for May was with Chery Gegelman, president of Giana Consulting LLC. Chery is a speaker, author, consultant, and first-time expat. Get in touch with her at
What is your background in leadership?
I am an ordinary person that has had a passion for understanding others for my entire life.
For more than 25 years I’ve lead organizational development projects in organizations of various sizes. (Although it is important to mention that for many years I did not know I was doing organizational development. I just enjoyed solving problems, and finding ways to add value to the people and the organizations I was employed with.) Eventually I had opportunities to lead system-wide changes for companies with a national footprint and for clients in private and public organizations.
My “cells dance” the most when I get to help people and organizations understand and unleash their strengths at a higher level!
What do you do to engage in leadership?
Listen - Up, down, sideways, inside and outside!!!
Ask, “Why” and “What if?”
Summon courage
Take action
Ask for feedback
Do you have a book or person that particularly influenced you?
How do you pick just one??? There are so many!!!
Beep! Beep! Competing in the Age of the Roadrunner: The book provided an instant clarity about who I have always been, a deep understanding about why I had struggled in organizations that operate like a pack of coyotes and painted a clear vision of what “could be.” Paired with an opportunity to go to work for an organization that was intentionally choosing to operate like a flock of roadrunners I had the authority to make that vision a reality! This link will take you to a post about that experience!
What would you like to get out of your membership with the Lead Change Group?
I’ve been a member of The Lead Change Group for 3 years. The reason I joined is the reason I am still a member - Iron sharpens iron! There have been so many opportunities to make new friends, to learn from others, to build a large network of caring professionals with diverse backgrounds from all across the United States and the world. I’ve had opportunities to blog, to learn social media at a higher level, to collaborate, to speak, to co-author a book… And the list goes on!
Chery is offering a complimentary copy of her Instigating Change Checklist to Lead Change Subscribers. If you are seeking to instigate change, or to support the change agents in your organization at a higher level this tool is a great resource! Just click on the link to her blog for more information.
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