Music and Servant Leadership — Say What?

February 24, 2017
Paula Kiger
San Diego, Servant Leadership Institute, The Music of Servant LeadershipToday, we are pleased to share a post from the Servant Leadership Institute about their upcoming conference. Make sure to read all the way through -- there's information about a unique discount at the end.
The theme for this year’s servant leadership conference hosted by the Servant Leadership Institute is “The Music of Servant Leadership.” You may think this is an odd theme for a leadership conference, so let us tell you a bit about the powerful vision we have. Every speaker at our conference will discuss a different aspect of serving as we lead — with all these voices becoming the music of servant leadership. We are asking our audience to hear the music we hear. It’s the music of people thriving in what they do, of people actually enjoying coming to work every day, of finding meaning and purpose in not just their work but also in their lives. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.”
Our audience will be people who lead as CEOs, managers, supervisors and every other position of influence. They will represent non-profits and for-profits in many fields, including education, healthcare, manufacturing, and food service — and they influence diverse people who each play their own instrument and melody. The purpose of the conference is to show our audience how to inspire and equip those they influence to play in harmony — which will produce extraordinary results. That is the servant-led culture; everyone realizes they can serve someone.
You are cordially invited to come experience this unique event. The conference is March 13 and 14 in beautiful San Diego at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina. Let’s learn to lead to a new beat!
Registration Information
For more information about the conference, please click here.
The Servant Leadership Institute has offered a significant discount of $300 off the regular rate
of $1,375 to members of the Lead Change Group Community. To get the discount code, please email Becky Robinson.
If you are planning to attend as part of a group, please note the group rate options.
I love this article… which is why I am so concerned that to concept of servant leadership seems to be forgotten in the public arena. I can drive to San Diego but even with the discount, the fee for a two-day conference doesn’t fit in with the budget. Bummer. Perhaps if a member of Lead Change attends, he/she might write a bullet list of the great “keepers” from the event!
I, too, want to see the concept of Servant Leadership flourish rather than languish. I’ll keep an ear out for any LCG members who are going – please do the same!