New Leadership Literacies

July 17, 2019
WI Admin
Bob Johansen, future, Leadership Books, leadership literacies, Video, WebinarOver the next decade, today's connected world will be explosively more connected. Anything that can be distributed will be distributed: workforces, organizations, supply webs, and more. The tired practices of centralized organizations will become brittle in a future where authority is radically decentralized. Rigid hierarchies will give way to liquid structures. Most leaders—and most organizations—aren't ready for this future. Are you?
It's too late to catch up, but it's a great time to leapfrog. Through our ever-changing world, leaders must jump ahead and focus ten or more years in the future, then work backward to identify opportunities today. Noted futurist Bob Johansen, author of The New Leadership Literacies, envisions that, through technology and digital interconnectivity, future organizations will become distributed, not just decentralized, and be required to “shape shift” in the midst of disruptive market conditions. This will require successful leaders to provide clarity in where their organization is headed, yet flexibility in getting there. They also will need to inspire hope, enabling employees to adapt creatively to the changing external world.
To get ready for this future, we will all need new leadership literacies. Listen in as Bob offers a fresh view of how leaders will need to prepare, and forecasts what successful people must know to lead their organizations in the coming decades. He goes beyond skills and competencies to propose five new combinations of disciplines, practices, and worldviews that will be needed to thrive in a VUCA world of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. You can learn to adapt and develop your leadership techniques to stay successful in these changing times!
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar with award-winning entrepreneur and author Bonnie Marcus, considering what the #MeToo movement means for workplace culture and politics. This movement was all over the news, internet, and social media. But what, if any, has its impact been in the workplace?
Join Bonnie and Becky Robinson on September 11th at 1 PM ET to explore the dynamic of office politics, how women can use the tools in the political toolkit to become politically savvy, and what companies can do to help support women in the workplace. Learn more and register here.