Our August Theme - Dealing With Opposites

August 3, 2015
Paula Kiger
Extroverts, Introverts, Jennifer Kahnweiler, The Genius of OppositesFor August, we are taking the lead from The Genius of Opposites, the new book from Jennifer Kahnweiler being launched on August 17.
Jennifer believes, "When you skillfully combine the extrovert set of strengths with those of the introvert, you don’t just get addition. You achieve exponential results.”
This month, we challenge you to write about coaxing productivity out of "opposite" situations.
If you are interested in submitting original material for Lead Change, we would love to consider your contribution! You do have to be a Leading Voice, Instigator, or Member to write for Lead Change.
For information about joining, click here. If you have questions that are not answered on our website, please contact Paula Kiger at paula@weavinginfluence.com.