Preview Thursday: It All Matters

Best of Books
October 12, 2017
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Leadership, Management, Preview Thursday, Self DevelopmentThe following post is a preview excerpt from the introduction of It All Matters by Paul Cummings.
A Moment in Time
While sitting at a picnic table with my grandfather, George W. Cummings Sr., in Conway, Arkansas, on a beautiful summer day, one conversation completely changed the course of my life. As a young teenager, it would have been unnatural for me to think in those terms.
However, looking back four decades later, that conversation was truly a defining moment in my journey that would set in motion, a decision that would ultimately impact the rest of my life.
It’s stunning to think of it in those terms, but that one single moment in time was a tipping point. A statement, a story, a quip, a quote, a conversation or an unexpected experience in life can be that moment, when “It” all changes for you. This was the beginning of my road to a life of confidence, clarity, certainty, and creativity.
Growing up, my grandfather was my mentor, confidant, fishing buddy and best friend. He was a man who possessed the immense knowledge, a side-splitting sense of humor and a multitude of life experiences that he was often willing to share with his eager grandson. I loved every second that I was able to spend with my grandfather.
He shared a multitude of life lessons with me standing by the fencepost at his farm that still is present in my mind today. Lessons such as “enthusiasm is an inside game with an outside reflection” or “you can’t get a positive charge off a dead battery no matter how hard you try.” I will never forget the day he told me the age-old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” was a lie.
He then said, “If you salt their oats and make them thirsty, they will drink all day long.” I was fortunate to be able to plug into this type of wisdom at such a young age. Each one of these lessons was wrapped up in a compelling story that kept me engaged for hours.
His bigger than life personality, wisdom and laughter made an indelible impression on me that I still cherish today. Unfortunately, you will never have the pleasure of his time. However, you will have the benefit of understanding all of his profound wisdom as you read this body or work. I refer fondly to his life lessons as “golden nuggets” that can lead you to a life filled with meaningful experiences and monumental victories.
I believe the art of storytelling is one of the most compelling skills anyone can learn. For this reason, I made the decision to base this book on a real-life story that began in May of 1975. I believe that we all have a story that’s important to us for a multitude of reasons.
Paul Cummings is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Paul D. Cummings World Wide Enterprises, a training and teaching company that has motivated and inspired hundreds of thousands of individuals and businesses to make real and lasting change. Paul also developed Woople, a web-based learning system, to deliver an award-winning online video program utilized by thousands of students.
Since founding Woople in 2009, Paul continues to revolutionize the way people and businesses learn by making learning simple, affordable, fun, and efficient. His Level 10 philosophy has become the benchmark that others have aspired to achieve, and Paul has delivered more than 5,000 paid speaking engagements spanning six continents on the topic.