Q&A with TKMG Academy

Professional Development
April 9, 2020
Karen Martin
TKMG Academy is an online learning destination for business leaders and improvement professionals to build their business design and performance improvement capabilities. Learn more.
Adult Learning, Learning, Online Courses, online tools, TKMG, Virtual Instructor-Led CoursesIn this post, we’re interviewing Karen Martin, president of TKMG, Inc. Karen and her team provide Lean transformation and business performance improvement support to industry, government, and the not-for-profit sector.
Recently, Karen and her team launched TKMG Academy—an online learning destination where business leaders and improvement professionals can build or deepen their business design and performance improvement capabilities. Now more than ever, organizations will need to be able to respond more effectively and efficiently when they emerge from the COVID-19 economic slowdown.
We wanted to learn more about TKMG Academy and get some background on what led Karen and her team to create this valuable resource. Here’s what you need to know!
What inspired you to start TKMG Academy?
Throughout my years of consulting, teaching and coaching, and speaking, I noticed a recurring theme in the comments and questions that attendees were asking. They often thanked me for making complex business design principles easier to understand, but wanted to know how they could continue their learning journey with me.
At the time, I didn’t think it was possible to create a high-quality digital learning experience. With a master’s degree in adult learning, I had very high standards—but then two emails changed everything.
One was from a webinar attendee in Zimbabwe, and the other from Estonia. Both explained that the webinars we held were their only access to continued education about operations design, leadership, and business performance improvement. Unlike here in the States, these learners didn’t have access to the same learning opportunities as we do—nor the wide variety of options we have—and, instead, had to piece together what they could online.
From the moment we began exploring online learning, our goal was to provide high-quality online instruction at an accessible price so that everyone, everywhere could benefit from learning and improving. And now we do!
We seek to raise the bar—both in terms of virtual learning techniques and in the quality of content—with the hope that we can instill a new level of confidence in each learner, no matter where they are in the world. Every aspect of the user experience was considered and tested for optimality. We deliver business improvement content in a way that’s fun, energetic, and easy to digest.
Who are the ideal learners who would benefit from the courses?
TKMG Academy is an ideal fit for business leaders and improvement professionals who are looking for fast, actionable advice that can create immediate results for their organization. Our courses are geared both to beginners and seasoned professionals alike.
Whether you’re a seasoned improvement pro who’d like the latest take on some of the fundamentals, you’re new to improvement and are just beginning to learn process design how-to’s, or you’re a senior leader who wants to learn how to transform an entire organization, I’m confident you’ll get a lot from our courses.
What does TKMG Academy offer that's unique and different in the world of online learning?
We’re known for our ability to break complex concepts into easy-to-understand bites. We’re also known for our deep experience applying the content we teach in real-world client settings. All of our instructors have been doing this work for a decade or more.
TKMG Academy provides go-at-your-own-pace learning, with the ability to customize one’s learning experience through entertaining and concise video-based instruction. Each course is 45-75 minutes long and broken into easy-to-digest lessons. Most courses include worksheets, templates, and other helpful tools to use as you apply your learning.
Learners earn a certificate and a beautifully designed achievement badge after passing an exam with a score of 70% or greater. The great thing about achievement badges is that learners can share them on LinkedIn and other social sites, and add them to resumes and email signatures, which validates the fact that the person is committed to continuous improvement and growth.
We offer a wide variety of courses—and will be adding additional courses every month—so that learners can take control of their own journey, add value to their skillset, and become an indispensable asset within their organizations. By design, we don’t cover a broad range of topics in a single course. In TKMG Academy courses, we briefly describe the theory and principles behind management techniques and practices, and then provide tactical information learners can implement quickly upon course completion.
Academy courses offer:
- 24/7 online access to courses that never expire
- Clear explanations that help you move quickly from understanding to application
- On-camera instruction by thought leaders and improvement professionals with deep experience (including instruction from me!)
- And—after passing an exam with a score of 70% or greater—a TKMG Academy Certificate of Completion and achievement badge
Are there any special offers for learners to take advantage of?
TKMG Academy currently offers a “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” special. The offer can be applied with any combination of courses—or used later for purchasing the third (free) course.ac
What can we expect from TKMG Academy in the coming months?
TKMG Academy will roll out new courses every month or two. Courses coming soon include: 5S Workplace Organization, Problem-Solving Coaching, Value Stream Transformation, and Leader Standard Work.
From our easy-to-navigate website, potential learners can browse the “Coming Soon” section to stay up-to-date on the latest courses to be available. They can also subscribe to our list (www.tkmgacademy.com/subscribe) or connect with me on social media to stay up-to-date on everything the Academy is doing.
For those wanting to explore business improvement in a deeper way, what's the best way to connect with you?
Connect and explore with us at www.tkmgacademy.com or drop us a note at info@tkmgacademy.com.