Quiet Is The New Superpower: Voices From The Introvert Revolution

November 25, 2020
WI Admin
Extrovert, Extroverts, Introvert, Introverted Leader, Introverts, Quiet Is a Superpower, Video, WebinarHalf of the population identifies themselves as introverts, however many workplaces are stuck in traditional, extrovert-centric cultures that reward people for speaking up publicly, expect them to log face time, and employ hiring and promotion practices rooted in the past.
As we move forward in this evolving climate of inclusion, we’re beginning to see an increased understanding of how individual attributes contribute to an organization’s success. Where does introversion fit in with this revolution, and how can employers, and employees, start viewing quiet as the new superpower?
Listen in to hear from two authors from different parts of the world bring their unique perspectives to this important topic. Jill Chang is the author of Quiet Is a Superpower, and Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D. is the author of Creating Introvert-Friendly Workplaces, The Introverted Leader, Quiet Influence, and The Genius of Opposites. You will gain keen insights into how to use your strengths as an introvert to become more successful within your career and learn how to navigate extroverted settings without compromising comfort or personality.