Remain Visible And Relevant In A Remote Work Environment

June 9, 2021
WI Admin
career advancement, professional development, remote leadership, remote teams, remote work, visibleHow do you remain visible and relevant in a remote work environment? Since the pandemic, the workplace looks vastly different.
Remote work has become a more standardized practice for how businesses run. Because of this, individuals need to adjust their current strategies in order to stay visible and relevant in the workplace and ask how best to advance their careers.
Listen in as Bonnie Marcus author of The Politics of Promotion and Not Done Yet! provides strategic tips on how you can adjust your mindset in this remote work setting so you can remain visible and relevant within your career and set yourself up for advancement.
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar on July 27th at 1 PM (ET) as Sabrina Horn shares insights from her book, Make It, Don't Fake It: Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success. If you’re ready to fight the feelings of impostor syndrome and loneliness that come with leadership and become more resilient through humility, empathy, mentorship, and self-assessment, then you won’t want to miss this webinar! Register for this free event here.