REWIRE Your Thinking And Transform Your Life

October 14, 2020
WI Admin
DTK, mental health, Mindset, REWIRE, transform your mind, Video, WebinarIn today’s world, with contradicting advice on how to live within the constraints of the coronavirus and the many other crises, it’s common to feel as if life is happening to you; however, those rumors aren’t true. In fact, it was Buddha who once said, “The mind is everything. What we think we shall become.”
By changing the way you think, you will experience more success, health, and fulfillment. But first, you must believe and embrace the choice and the control you truly have over your life (and mindsets).
Listen in as David Taylor-Klaus, author of Mindset Mondays with DTK, shares his six-step process to REWIRE the way you think in order to change the way you experience the world.
Join us on October 27th at 1 PM (ET), as John Hope Bryant, author of Up from Nothing: The Untold Story of How We (All) Succeed, explains how collectively, we need to become a nation of winners once again. America is still the Land of Opportunity, and from his stories of humble beginnings, hard work, and success, John Hope-Bryant revives the idea of the American Dream. Register for the FREE webinar here.