S. Max Brown: The Character-Based Leader Co-Author Interview

Best of Books
October 1, 2012
Christina Haxton
Author Interviews, humility, s. max brown, The Character-Based Leader BookCheck out this great interview with Author, S. Max Brown
Chapter Title: "The Real Power of Humility"
S. Max Brown
Vice President, Leadership Initiatives, Rideau Recognition Solutions
In the last ten years, Max Brown has made over one thousand presentations in locations all around the world. He’s taken clients rappelling off the Great Wall of China, facilitated at the Parliament of World Religions Conference in Spain, and spoken in hundreds of cities including Athens, Beijing, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Paris, New York, Vancouver, and Sydney… Nebraska.
With his experience in leadership training, speaking, and facilitating around the world, Max brings a global perspective to the challenge of motivating people. Audiences at companies such as American Express, GE, HSBC, The Nature Conservancy, and the Canadian Federal Government have raved about his interactive, engaging style. As a result, he travels 200,000 miles per year to deliver presentations to clients around the world!
Max laces his presentations with stories and examples that inspire people to act. He is consistently given high ratings including an “all-star” recommended speaker designation from the International Association of Business Communicators. Max has a certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University, a master’s degree in Organizational Learning from George Mason University, and he is a member of the National Speaker’s Association.
Connect with Max online –
Blog: rideau.com | Weekly radio: RealRecognitionRadio.com | Twitter: @SMaxBrown
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