The 9 Dimensions of Conscious Success

January 13, 2021
WI Admin
9 dimensions of conscious success, authenticity, conscious success, Gratitude, individual success, personal development, personal responsibility, professional development journeyPersonal and professional success in today’s crowded, competitive economy is dependent on your discovery of the answer to the following questions:
- What is my best purpose to achieve conscious success?
- How can I demonstrate high awareness for conscious success?
- How can I positively differentiate myself from others?
How would you answer these questions? Listen in to an interactive discussion with David Nielson, author of The 9 Dimensions of Conscious Success. Drawing upon his unique life experiences as a management consultant, executive coach, and as an organizational developer at Coors Brewing Company, Nielson outlines a practical process model for you to achieve individual success.
Despite advances made by women in the workplace, pay inequity & underrepresentation in top positions are still a reality. Learn more about the double whammy of gendered ageism on January 26th at 1 PM (ET) with Becky Robinson and Bonnie Marcus. Don’t let ageist beliefs create a self-fulfilling prophecy that hinders you from achieving your career goals. Register for the free event here.