The New Science of Radical Innovation

In the era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity), decision-making is very challenging for leaders because one can rarely foresee the consequences of one’s decisions. Traditional leadership (command and control) must give way to a whole new approach to leadership.
Dr. Sunnie Giles, author of The New Science of Radical Innovation: The Six Competencies Leaders Need to Win in a Complex World - published one year ago this week - is a new generation expert on radical innovation. She catalyzes radical innovation and takes the mystery out of what radical innovation is and how to consistently produce it. Her research suggests that applying concepts from neuroscience, complex systems approach, and quantum mechanics can help leaders produce radical innovation. It’s a new world, and a whole new set of skills–Quantum Leadership–is required to survive in the age of VUCA, with huge consequences to the bottom-line for organizations.
Listen to an hour-long conversation with Dr. Sunnie Giles and discover how you can create radical innovation in your own organization. You will discover the ins and outs of the leadership competencies you need to jump-start and sustain radical innovation in your organization, based on Sunnie's years of solid research.
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