Three R's in the New Era of Responsibility

Personal Development
January 14, 2013
Glen Gaugh
Character-based Leadership, Self Development[caption id="attachment_8207" align="alignright" width="125"] Responsibility in 3 R's[/caption]
It is time for a new era of responsibility, in life, in leadership, in hope for human kind.
There will be three aspects of responsibility in this new era:
Respect for the power we each have at our fingertips. Influence, a voice, tools to build with, position, and access can all be used to destroy. When we respect this fact, we can choose to use these for good.
Responsiveness to people, community, and society. Situations are wrong, systems are broken, and people suffer. Something has to be said, something must be done. The worst state we can possibly be in is to be in a state of callousness and inactivity.
Restraint in our actions. We tend to overreact. We’re human. We have a menu of choices to select from when personal and societal firestorms ignite. Like in a natural disaster, immediate response is required, but ultimately time and consideration are needed in order to move forward. If we are each awakening out of shock or ignorance, becoming aware of the need to act in some form, then we can’t react in fight-or-flight fashion. We must test the ground around us, check our perceptions with reality, and proceed with restraint.
As I write these points, it occurs to me that this is a lot like what responsibility looked like when I was growing up. Whether individual, organizational, or societal, our responsibility is to look inwardly and work outwardly in a way that is consistent with our character and convictions.
I fear at times we are in a new era of irresponsibility rather than one of responsibility. How do you check to make sure you are maintaining a strong sense of personal and corporate responsibility?
Hi Glen,
I appreciate the perspective you brought here. Today’s Social Media, 140-character culture leads us to believe that we can say anything we want, instead of showing restraint. It often keeps us from forming deep relationships. Instead, families and friends spend their time “together” staring at tiny screens and pressing thumbs against them. Sad.
Hopefully, this new era you speak of includes less screen time and more face time.
I couldn’t agree more. In a world of instant gratification, we tend to feel like we can speak or tweet out on an emotional whim. The drama that I hear teens talk so much about is intensified in an online, wired-up world. Adults don’t always lead the way in respect and restraint.
Just one example of where responsibility needs to be taken up. Thanks for the comment!
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