Free Webinar – Why Leadership Training Doesn’t Stick

Inspiration, Leadership
September 11, 2010
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
leadership resources, meredith bell, Strengths, TrainingBillions of dollars are spent every year on leadership development, but all too often these programs don’t change a leader’s behavior in the workplace. Also, very few of these programs focus on helping leaders develop the personal strengths they need to meet the challenges that they face every day.
In this webinar, Meredith Bell will:
- Explain why most programs fall short, and
- Reveal the type of learning support system leaders need to ingrain new skills and change behavior patterns.
Meredith Bell is president and co-founder of Performance Support Systems, a software company based in Newport News, Virginia. She’s been an entrepreneur since 1982, when she discovered that she just didn’t function well in a bureaucratic, political organization. She consulted to local businesses, helping managers develop the people skills they need to become effective leaders and build strong teams. Since 1994 her company has focused on creating assessment and development tools that help people discover their strengths and areas for improvement. Their latest product, ProStar Coach, is an online virtual coaching system that helps leaders develop personal strengths and people skills. The 40 personal strengths are closely linked to the character traits that are fundamental to the mission of the Lead Change Group and include qualities like integrity, focus, perseverance, courage and trust.
Why Leadership Training Doesn't Stick - Meredith Bell posted by Mike Henry on Vimeo.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Erin Schreyer, Meredith Bell, Meredith Bell, Meredith Bell, Denny Coates and others. Denny Coates said: RT @MeredithMBell: I’m conducting a free webinar for #leadchange 9/30 –Why #Leadership Training Doesn’t Stick -register: […]