Your Resiliency GPS

January 29, 2020
WI Admin
Eileen McDargh, Growth Mindset, resilience, Video, WebinarTired of being whiplashed by economic downturns? Concerned about downsizing, rightsizing, capsizing? Faced with a great opportunity yet worried you won't have the stamina to see it through? Trying to hold work and life together, when sometimes one or both get the better of you?
Our 24/7 world begins its craziness with another year. Take time to discover how you and your organization can benefit from developing your GPS (Growth Potential Strategy), and revive and renew the spark of hope and optimism as you cultivate resiliency skills.
Join award-winning author, international keynoter, and master facilitator Eileen McDargh for a fast-paced, informal conversation that will turn your notions of resiliency upside down. It’s not about adversity. It is about advantage. Discover the 4 critical resiliency skills and how you can cultivate and strengthen each one. Explore the key to a more productive, happier life and find guidance to get things back on track.
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar with Lisa Fain And Lois Zachary, as they discuss bridging differences for better mentoring. The workplace has become more diverse: mentors and mentees come from very different backgrounds and have limited understanding of each other’s cultures and outlooks. But mentoring remains the most powerful tool for creating meaningful relationships, furthering professional development, and increasing engagement and retention.
Join Lisa and Lois on February 27th at 2:30 pm (EST) to gain insight into increasing your own self-awareness and preparing to embrace and leverage differences within mentoring relationships. If you've ever wondered how to bridge the diversity gaps in your mentoring relationships, this webinar is for you! Learn more and register here.