Carnival of HR - April 22, 2015 Edition

April 22, 2015
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Ben Eubanks, Carnival of HR, Dan McCarthy, David Richter, Doug Shaw, Jesse Lyn Stoner, John Hunter, Kate Achille, Paula Kiger, Susan Mazza, Wally BockAt the Lead Change Group, we are thrilled to host the Carnival of HR again. As our turn to host approached, we started thinking about Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day 2015 or TOSADTW. This year's event will take place tomorrow, April 23.
In honor of that, we asked bloggers to send in submissions that address timeless lessons, things a child could see at work while visiting their parent for TOSADTW that will still hold true for when they enter the workforce. We weren't looking for technology, but rather for values that held true yesterday, hold true today, and will hold true tomorrow.
Ben Eubanks of UpstartHR gets things started with How To Ruin Credibility In One Easy Step. This post discusses one of the most timeless attributes of all - integrity. Find Ben on Twitter at @beneubanks.
Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership provided 15 Timeless Work Habits For Career Success that he learned over 30 years in the workforce. Find Dan on Twitter at @greatleadership.
David Richter of Octopus HR Software submitted 5 Truths I Have Learned In My Time In HR. These truths differ from what he believed when he started a career in HR. Find David on Twitter at @octopus_hr.
Doug Shaw of What Goes Around shared two posts which build off of each other. The first, Career Opportunities, sets the scene. The second, Dreams Of Children, he discusses lessons learned at his office after Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day. Find Doug on Twitter at @dougshaw1.
Jesse Lyn Stoner of The Seapoint Center For Collaborative Leadership contributed Mother Goose Management, six lessons from childhood stories that show us how to be better leaders. Find Jesse on Twitter at @jesselynstoner.
John Hunter of John Hunter Management Improvement passed along Lessons For Managers From Wisconsin & Duke Basketball. These lessons include one people inevitably discover as their careers progress: raw talent alone won't succeed. Find John on Twitter at @curiouscat_com.
Kate Achille of The Devon Group contributed Gone Girl. In this post, Kate explores the role of social media in her life and how she made choices about her use of social media to keep her main asset, her brain, in tip top shape. Find Kate on Twitter at @devongroup.
Paula Kiger of Perspicacity submitted Fathers, Daughters, and Careers, a post about perennial lessons fathers pass down to their daughters, such as speaking your opinion. Find Paula on Twitter at @biggreenpen.
Susan Mazza of Random Acts Of Leadership shared A Leadership Method Available To Everyone, commenting that leading by example is something everyone can do - regardless of age, training, or skill level. Find Susan on Twitter at @susanmazza.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership submitted The Successful People I Know. Wally says, "I've known many successful people in my life. They're successful in many aspects of their lives and they're happy with the life they have. They have several things in common." Find Wally on twitter at @wallybock.
What will today's sons and daughters find at their workplaces in 2020 and beyond? Hopefully they'll find some of the values discussed here, such as integrity, persistence, fairness. Hopefully they'll find someone, or actually be someone who makes work better. Actually that's something we adults should aspire to as well.
Here is a picture from one of the posts Doug Shaw shared:
I hope you have enjoyed today's carnival. For future carnivals, consult the schedule at the Carnival Of HR website.
What a great collection of thinkers and the topic is very timely and important.
After a little reflection, I think I would say to my sons and daughters (who are all enmeshed workplaces and have been for years) and to my grandchildren is this:
Whatever you see or experience while visiting my workplace, remember this:
1) It’s only one workplace of millions around the planet.
2) You are only seeing one day (and a special one at that) of what happens all year long.
3) The work I do and the jobs we have may well not exist by the time you enter the workforce.
4) Even if the title and the industry is still around, it won’t be like it is now.
5) Work is an essential part of life, but not always the only or even most important part.
6) Pay attention to how people treat each other at work. Decide not to do what seems mean or selfish and plan to be more like those who are happy and active.
Thanks for a whole bunch of thought-provoking material in this Carnival of HR edition. I’m sharing this one:)
Great observations, John. We appreciate your comments and your shares!
Great group of writers here! I would say to my grandchildren, “a good work ethic will get you through life.”