Dear Human, Master Your Emotions

May 22, 2019
WI Admin
Emotional Intellience, emotional intelligence, Emotions, Mark Youngblood, Video, WebinarDid you know the power to change our world exists within all of us? What if you could learn how to be the best version of yourself every day?
Clearly, that's hard to do when faced with so many daily demands, conflicts, and challenges. For most people, emotions like stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, and disappointment are an exhausting daily struggle. That makes it tough to consistently be the leader, parent, mate, colleague, friend, and person you truly want to be. The happy news is you can learn a new way!
Mark Youngblood, author of Dear Human: Master Your Emotions, Inner Mastery teacher, facilitator, and executive coach has studied for decades what it takes to lead a successful and fulfilling life. One of his greatest lessons has been that the power to change our world—to make it what we want—exists within each of us. And through these powerful insights, strategies and life skills, the journey can be faster and easier than you ever imagined. Listen in as Mark discusses concepts from his book that will help you unlock the secret to mastering your emotions and living your life with purpose.
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar with award-winning entrepreneur and author Bonnie Marcus on the subtle ways we give away our power, and how to get it back. As the President of Women’s Success Coaching, Bonnie assists professional women to successfully navigate the workplace and position and promote themselves to advance their careers. Her book, The Politics of Promotion, offers women the tools and guidance they need to successfully navigate the realities of their organization, emphasizing the need to understand office politics to get the promotions and recognition they deserve.
Join Bonnie and Becky Robinson on June 4th at 1 PM ET to explore how women give their power away, and what they can do to take their power back. Discover the ways we choose to use our power, and how we subtly give it away. Learn more and register here.