Don't Dash Off - Give Change a Chance

May 9, 2011
Will Lukang
Actions, Change, Growth, lead change, status quo, take a risk, Trust“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi
This quote was in our office cafeteria this week. Change is about the only guarantee we have, along with death and taxes.
Change is a source of fear and anxiety for many people. It is easy to fall into the trap of being comfortable in your current situation. Why change when you can just do what you’ve been doing for the last four years. The routine simplifies things, but the question has to be asked: Is it really good for you? I’m sure this would be an ages old debate on why keeping with the status quo is good or why change is necessary. For one, staying as is would render your skills obsolete in a few years.
People react differently to change because of the fear of the unknown. Some people would dash off and seek greener pasture elsewhere because they don’t believe in the change that is about to happen. I’ve been in the workplace for almost 21 years and it is my experience that grass is always greener on the other side. Until you cross and see all the brown spots, it often looks nice from afar. Just like my front lawn, when I’m driving home, I see it from afar and admire how green it is, but as I get closer, I can see brown spots and the smile turns to a frown.
Change gives people hope, especially when they’re not happy with the current situation. Here are 3 tips to change your attitude about change or to help someone else change their attitude about change:
- Give change a chance – It is not fair to judge something without really giving it a try. You can’t say that something is bad until you live through it and experience it. Experience is our best teacher.
- Learning is only possible if you keep an open mind – if we never push ourselves and embrace the change, we will not grow. Growing is only possible through patience and acceptance that through change new things can be learned that will make you better.
- Staying the same is not good for you – You can’t expect different results by doing the same thing over and over. Staying the same means that you’ll be left behind.
Acknowledging the change is the first step. After a while, maybe you can embrace the change and give it a fighting chance. Who knows what you will learn from the journey and experience that you’ll gain along the way.
The same way people deserve a chance, give change a chance. With change comes opportunity. By keeping an open mind, you’ll see the opportunity and achieve more. Just keep in mind that change could be slow, therefore patience is important. The next time change happens, don’t think about seeking another opportunity elsewhere. Listen and give change a chance – you never know what will happen.
A good summary of important elements we all face when trying to change things. Indeed, change is the only constant we can count on. Many organizations talk about change or initiate it without ‘giving it a chance’. Thanks for this post.
Often, simply believing in the change is the single factor in actually achieving it. Great post!
Excellent reframe … change = learning, and who doesn’t want to learn???