Embrace the Distractions

Personal Development
March 31, 2020
Richard Rodriguez
challenges, Change, Distractions, isolation, new normals, remote teamsWe are social creatures that thrive with connections with others, seeking to exchanges ideas, conversation, and special moments. Heat maps visually display the spread of COVID-19 across the globe. It is this image that truly represents or connection with each other. Is it not ironic that a virus is forcing us to separate from our connectedness?
Social distancing is a term I have not heard of until the current events.
There are images flashed in the news of creative ways for humans to interact. I recently saw a granddaughter displaying her engagement ring through the window of the nursing home to her adoring grandfather. Or the father in his home office working beside his daughter on a laptop doing school work. I am one of the lucky many that can work from home and have done so for years.
However, the lack of social interaction with co-workers, other than phone calls, can bring a feeling of isolation.
With the increase in people working from home, I have noticed a different sense of connection with colleagues. The laughing and crying of children in the background are now prevalent on group calls. In fact, I even heard the cooing of a 6-month old baby as we discussed project plans.
While many write about the “dos and don’ts” of working remotely, I say embrace the distractions. The current world situation calls for flexibility and empathy. Not regimented norms proven effective during typical situations.
Embrace the new normal, of a world searching for hope and coping with restrictions.
Find joy in the distractions, knowing that we are all connected while navigating through uncharted waters. Understand that the professional who worked with you in the office still has the same work ethics working remotely. Their home life demands may be vastly different from yours. Have patience with your technical support that is dealing with an unprecedented volume of remote workers.
My “dos and don’ts” for the new remote workers: Do show kindness and empathy towards your colleagues. Don’t lose faith that this, too, shall pass.
Embrace the distractions!