Leaders Need Vision

Team Dynamics
April 4, 2018
Mark Miller
VP of High Performance Leadership, Chick-fil-A
Culture, employee engagement, team, VisionWhat Attracts Top Talent?
This question spawned the original research behind the book Talent Magnet. That research gained insight from more than 7,000 people, collected through various methods across the US. We knew, if we could look at the world of work from the perspective of Top Talent, we could attract more of them.
Our research revealed three necessary ingredients* to make your organization an employer of choice for Top Talent. One of them is Bigger Vision.
Find a top performer, and you will find a person who wants to be a part of something great. If you expect to attract the brightest and best, you are going to need a Bigger Vision.
Vision manifests itself in many forms. Often it begins in the heart and mind of a leader as a compelling purpose or lofty mission. For some organizations, a Bigger Vision also includes a strong set of values. Values in action drive behavior, and the best organizations understand they must behave their way to reaching the vision. Yes, highly talented people resonate with all of these purpose, mission, and values more than average performers do.
Chances are, you are in business to make a profit—and unless you are successful, you won’t be in business very long. But if you really want to become a Talent Magnet and attract those who can help you increase your bottom line, make sure you take the time to identify and cast a vision for more than profits.
Top Talent wants to make a difference in the world. This impact need not be confined to the walls of your organization. Many organizations are finding ways to add value to the communities they serve and beyond. These “extracurricular” philanthropic activities matter to Top Talent more than you might think.
When Top Talent is considering where they will work, they typically have options. But make no mistake, they are more likely to work for an organization pursuing a Bigger Vision.
*For a look at the first two key expectations of Top Talent, see my guest posts at Dan Rockwell’s Leadership Freak: A Better Boss and A Brighter Future.