Meet Instigator Paul LaRue

Each month in our newsletter, we feature an interview with one of our Instigators. Recently we featured an interview with Paul LaRue, management and sales executive making it a point to be an example of leadership for others to follow. Looking to make a difference in this and the next generation of leaders. Creator of The UPwards Leader blog site. Connect with Paul on Twitter (@paul_larue) or LinkedIn.]
What is your background in leadership?
I have over 25 years in hospitality leadership, working up the ranks to senior leadership. I have worked with many diverse teams on both coasts, and have been privileged to work with many diverse people from around the world.
What do you do to engage in leadership?
My favorite aspect of leadership is working with others to develop their abilities. There is nothing else more satisfactory than building others up. Hitting quotas and breaking sales records all pale in comparison.
Do you have a book or person that particularly influenced you?
Book - When Jim Collins' "Built To Last" came out in the mid-90's, it resonated everything that I believed in - just 5 years after graduating college. It gave me the impetus to learn and grow and put into play what I knew to be true.
Person - Jeff Sweetman, my former Director of Operations for Subway Development in Los Angeles. He could motivate, buffer, make hard decisions, teach and keep it all flowing and positive in what seemed to be the same motion. He continues to impact others and I never will forget the trust he places in his people.
What would you like to get out of your membership with the Lead Change Group?
I would love to work with my new colleagues to influence the next generation of leaders to lead with integrity and hope.
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