Meet LeadChange Jen Kuhn

August 26, 2010
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
BlogTalkRadio, Collaborate, Community, contributing members, Inspiration, interview, Jen Kuhn, lead change, members, The Experience FactorOur guest for Meet LeadChange on September 2, 2010 at 3 PM Eastern is Jen Kuhn (web, LinkedIn, @JenKunhPR), co-founder of The Experience Factor. Jen and her partner, Kelly Ketelboeter (@KetelboeterPR) make the invisible visible at The Experience Factor; helping businesses understand their mission IS their customer experience. They help businesses make sure their leaders are effective, employees perform and consumers experience the difference.
Jen has over 17 years experience in a variety of settings guiding leaders who want to enhance their professional development and improve the impact their organization has on employees and customers. She connects and creates a unique experience as an energetic, enthusiastic, and sometimes humorous consultant, speaker, trainer, coach or facilitator.
She's also passionate about her ideas and service to others. My first interactions with her were all related to making a difference in Haiti or elsewhere in the world. She truly wants to lead change and inspire others to do the same.
So be sure to join us Wednesday, September 2, 2010 at 3 PM Eastern to listen live to the interview or you can hear the replay anytime after that right here.