Meet LeadChange Shawn Murphy

August 20, 2010
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
Achieved Strategies, BlogTalkRadio, Collaborate, Community, Inspiration, interview, lead change, members, Shawn MurphyShawn Murphy (member profile, blog, @shawmu, LinkedIn) is the Founder, CEO and President of Achieved Strategies. His passion is helping businesses change how they create value by bringing together people, strategy, operations, and leadership.
For over 20 years, Shawn has worked with senior executives, middle managers and individual contributors to successfully transform businesses and individuals. We’ll discuss with Shawn the starting point to causing change: the leader’s awareness of his or her own views of change.
Join me for a discussion on leadership, change and connecting with Shawn Murphy Thursday August 26 at 3 PM Eastern. You'll be glad you did.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael McKinney and Jessica Henry, Martin Haworth. Martin Haworth said: Meet LeadChange Shawn Murphy […]
Really looking forward to this, Shawn. Change Management is a huge part of the challenge in front of me each day.
Tristan, thank you for your support here and on Twitter.