November 2019 Leadership Development Carnival

Leadership Development Carnival
November 5, 2019
WI Admin
Communication, development, Leadership, Leadership development carnival, motivation, productivityWelcome to the November Leadership Development Carnival. We’re excited to share posts from leadership experts from around the globe on the topics of communication, development, motivation, productivity, and more.
Jim Taggart of Changing Winds shared Leadership Mumbo Jumbo: Are You Communicating Clearly to Your Followers?. Jim explains: "Don’t engage in leadership mumbo jumbo. Be precise and transparent in your communication with your co-workers, staff and boss. You’ll find that in being a clear communicator work will be accomplished that much faster, with fewer mistakes and problems, and with much happier people." Follow Jim on Twitter at @72keys.
Eileen McDargh contributed Three Ways to Connect and Why. Eileen summarizes: "Learn why we have a worldwide epidemic of loneliness and discover how you can help you and your team connect." Connect with Eileen on Twitter at @macdarling.
Robyn McLeod of Thoughtful Leaders Blog provided How to mend a broken work relationship. In this post, Robyn shares important ideas for reducing or eliminating the negative effects of a broken work relationship and opening the door to further conversations and a chance to work together differently. Find Robyn on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Beth Beutler of H.O.P.E. Unlimited contributed It's Okay: A Powerful Word That Helps You Stay Honest ... But That You Must Handle with Care. Beth shares: "It’s the simplest of words, made up of two letters (or four) and it's also very versatile. But it must be handled with care." Find Beth on Twitter at @bethbeutler.
Diana Peterson-More shared Make it Easy for Them to Say Yes: Embracing These How to's and Tips. Diana explains: "The boss is well-meaning and good-intentioned, and also super busy. To get the YES from the boss, think through the project from beginning to end, identify each step that needs to be taken to achieve the end result, and determine what resources will be needed. Moral of this story: When the boss says go, be ready to execute!" Find Diana on Twitter at @DianaPMAuthor.
Jon Mertz of Thin Difference shared Betterment – A New Leadership Calling. Jon considers: "A new mindset needs to be pursued in which leaders engage to bring the best out of people and projects. Betterment is our new leadership calling, removing self-centeredness and finding ways to be a better leader to create a better business and society." Connect with Jon on Twitter at @thindifference.
Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting contributed Workplace Courage Pays Dividends For the Individual and the Organization. Bill explains: "Life and work exist on a long continuum. To stay stuck on the comfortable side of the continuum is to live halfheartedly. Personally and professionally, our opportunities expand to the extent that we work both ends of the continuum." Follow Bill on Twitter at @btreasurer.
Stephanie Skryzowski of 100 Degrees Consulting provided Getting a Little Personal Today. Stephanie shares: "I’m constantly being presented with learning opportunities to help me grow into a better leader. Since this month marks four years in business, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting lately and wanted to share my biggest business (and life!) lessons learned." Connect with Stephanie here.
Ann Howell of Science of Working contributed Invest in self-confidence to develop effective leaders. Ann writes: "With billions of dollars spent to develop leaders, research shows the value of investing in experiences and leadership self-efficacy." Follow Ann on Twitter at @drannhowell.
Neal Burgis of Successful Solutions contributed Psychological Safety as a Leadership Tool. Neal summarizes: "As a leadership strategy, psychological safety is a tool to help leaders move your organization forward. In doing so, your work team work better together to be more productive for greater breakthrough results." Follow Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.
Karin Hurt of Let's Grow Leaders provided How to Be a Better Mentee. Karin explains: "Do you know what’s the best way to ensure you have a meaningful mentoring relationship? Sure it helps to have a great mentor. But you know what’s equally important? Showing up as a great mentee." Follow Karin on Twitter at @letsgrowleaders.
Shelley Row of Insightful Leadership shared Know the Six Influencers Who Impact Your Effectiveness. Shelley shares: "Here are six types of influencers about whom you would be wise to know more. You are likely to feel the influence of all or most of them. Develop skills now to recognize these influencers and learn more about them so that you adapt to accommodate their influence." Connect with Shelley on Twitter at @shelleyrow.
Chris Edmonds of The Purposeful Culture Group provided Culture Leadership Charge: The Gender Happiness Gap. 53% of men rate their work environment as very good. Only 41% of women believe the same. That’s a huge gap. In this video post, Chris describes the single most important thing to fix in your company’s efforts to demonstrate full equal treatment. Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.
Mark Brown contributed What Waits At the End of Adversity. Mark considers: "Why would anyone purposely move toward discomfort and adversity? The answer may surprise you." Connect with Mark on Twitter at @MarkMBrown1.
David Grossman of The Grossman Group shared Let’s Demonstrate We Value Our People, and Pay Them Appropriately. David writes: "In this open letter to the public relations industry I care deeply about, I lay out my concerns (and potential solutions) when it comes to developing and appreciating our qualified employees in PR and communications related industries. My worry is that there’s an unintentional system in place that prevents our best employees in communications from both knowing, and showing, their value. We can and need to do better." Follow David on Twitter at @ThoughtPartner.
Bernd Geropp provided How to motivate employees in the workplace. Bernd considers: "Your employees don’t contribute? They lack motivation, but they are always looking for better pay? I’ll show you how to fix this.” Find Bernd on Twitter at @moreleadership.
Julie Winkle Giulioni shared Momentum as a Management Strategy. Julie explains: "Momentum—the physical phenomenon that we take for granted—is a powerful force in our lives—and a powerful tool for leaders who want to promote a sense of achievement that in turn contributes to engagement, motivation, and results." Follow Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.
Katrin Ratassepp contributed What Motivates People?. In this post, Katrin explains the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Additionally, she provides insight into how to treat employees differently, just as you would children. Connect with Katrin on Twitter at @group_cannon.
Joel Garfinkle of the Career Advancement Blog shared Stop Procrastination—Overcome the Career-Limiting Habit. Joel summarizes: "The habit of procrastination deserves special attention because it is so widespread and costly. In addition to robbing us of time, procrastination causes us to question our own value and abilities. Any action you take will generate energy and take you from a place of stagnation into movement." Find Joel on Twitter at @JoelGarfinkle.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership provided First Things First. Wally asks us to consider: "First things first is great advice, but what does it mean?" Connect with Wally on Twitter at @WallyBock.
Mary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting shared Leaders, Know the Skill and Will of Those You Lead. Mary writes: "So many things can go wrong when we mismatch our leadership to a person’s skill and will. In order to avoid these mistakes, the first thing to do is to correctly diagnosis a person’s skill and will level based on the task or job at hand. So, what is skill and what is will?" Find Mary on Twitter at @maryilaward.
And More...
Paula Kiger of Big Green Pen shared Get out of your swivel chair and lead. Paula writes: "Jake Wood, CEO of Team Rubicon, shares how to prepare, react and lead in the face of chaos. This three-step approach has been applied by Team Rubicon in numerous disasters, including after Hurricanes Dorian and Michael." Connect with Paula on Twitter @biggreenpen.
Marcella Bremer of Positive Culture shared The Healing Organization. Marcella asks: "Would you like to work in a healing organization that alleviates suffering and elevates joy? Raj Sisodia's latest book describes a positive culture, with positive leadership—and offers organizations a calling: to contribute to healing." Follow Marcella on Twitter at @MarcellaBremer.
Mark Stelzner of IA—HR contributed How Does HR Transformation Affect the Employee Experience?. Mark summarizes: “We all talk a lot about transforming our organizations. But what does that major change mean for employees? IA's Amie Deak looks at the connection between HR transformation and employee experience.” Find Mark on Twitter @voiceofhr.
Steve DiGioia contributed This is How You Can Tell You’re a Customer Service Professional. Steve writes: "You don't have to be in a leadership position to be a leader. But you do need to be a professional. Today's post describes the attributes needed to be a customer service professional and how to lead-the-way in the service of others." Find Steve on Twitter at @stevedigioia.
Randy Conley of Leading with Trust shared 5 Ways You Undermine Trust in Your Leadership. Randy shares: "All great leadership begins with a solid foundation of trust, yet we are often our own worst enemy when it comes to undermining people's trust in us." This post shares five primary ways leaders erode trust. Connect with Randy on Twitter at @RandyConley.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month's carnival! If you would like to be added to the distribution list for submission calls, please fill out this form and we'll be happy to add you to the list.