October 2019 Leadership Development Carnival

Leadership Development Carnival
October 1, 2019
WI Admin
Communication, development, engagement, Leadership, Leadership development carnival, productivity, Team BuildingWelcome to the October Leadership Development Carnival. We’re excited to share posts from leadership experts from around the globe on the topics of development, engagement, productivity, team building, and more.
Bernd Geropp provided The No1 feedback rule. Bernd shares: "My No 1 feedback tip for constructive and effective criticism: always formulate and view feedback as a personal gift!" Find Bernd on Twitter at @moreleadership.
Eileen Hahn shared Being Brutally Honest—What It Says About You As A Leader. Eileen writes: "For the 'honest' feedback you offer to have value, it must be received. To ensure that your feedback registers, consider delivering it in a kind and respectful manner. It will make all the difference in your strength as a leader." Connect with Eileen on Twitter at @eileenbhahn.
Shelley Row of Insightful Leadership shared Can You See Your Humps?. Shelley considers: "How do you behave at work? What work style and communication traits are associated with you? There’s an African proverb, The camel never sees its own humps, but that of its brother is always before its eyes. Others see your style. Do you?" Connect with Shelley on Twitter at @shelleyrow.
Diana Peterson-More shared Tools and Techniques for Effective Communication: The Platinum Rule. Diana explains: "Most of us practice the 'golden rule' of communication, meaning we communicate with others the way we want to be communicated with. If we practice the 'platinum rule' of communication — communicating with others the way they want to be communicated with — our chances of success increase exponentially." Find Diana on Twitter at @DianaPMAuthor.
Beth Beutler of H.O.P.E. Unlimited contributed Reply to ... You: How to Make Your Emails More Respondable. Beth shares: "While you may resign yourself to accepting that some people aren't responsive by email, there are ways to give your email a better chance at being the one they DO respond to. Here's how." Find Beth on Twitter at @bethbeutler.
Mark Brown contributed Lead By Listening. Mark writes: "Truth is, deep listening requires great humility and belief in the party or parties to whom you are listening. Listening is a key ingredient to building trust." Connect with Mark on Twitter at @MarkMBrown1.
Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership provided 10 Magic Phrases That Will Make You a Better Leader. Dan asks: "Want to be a better leader? Then try improving your vocabulary." Here are 10 powerful phrases that will engage, motivate and inspire others. Connect with Dan on Twitter at @greatleadership.
Karin Hurt of Let's Grow Leaders provided How to Prepare for a Better Development Discussion (Free Tool). Karin shares: "Development discussions always go better when your employee comes prepared to engage in conversation. We’ve designed this guide to help your team members think more deeply about their development goals and key actions." Follow Karin on Twitter at @letsgrowleaders.
Laura Schroeder of Working Girl provided Leadership: The Art of Extreme Honesty and Affirmation. Laura shares: "Honesty, good will, and building people up make for great places to work. Why don't companies insist on these qualities in their leaders?" Connect with Laura on Twitter at @workgal.
Chris Edmonds of The Purposeful Culture Group provided Culture Leadership Charge: Refine Your Desired Culture. In this video post, Chris shares: "Though values rarely change, you may find that you need to tweak the language in your values definitions from time to time. Your organization evolves once you set high standards for results and for values. As your work culture evolves, you may find you need to revise those definitions." Follow Chris on Twitter at @scedmonds.
Julie Winkle Giulioni shared Career Development May Mean Career Disruption. Julie explains: "Workplaces that consider themselves ‘VUCA’ – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – are embracing disruptive approaches to business. Perhaps it’s time to consider a disruptive approach to career development as well. This article offers a tailored view of VUCA applied to professional growth!" Follow Julie on Twitter at @julie_wg.
Ann Howell of Science of Working contributed An afternoon with Marshall Goldsmith and the Doerr Institute for New Leaders. Ann writes: "After spending an afternoon with Marshall Goldsmith at the Doerr Institute for New Leaders, I learned about coaching, generosity and joy at work." Follow Ann on Twitter at @drannhowell.
Marcella Bremer of Positive Culture contributed Power in Organizations. Marcella considers: "Power distorts how others see us and how we see others with a different social rank. Power abuse happens when we over-use or under-use it. A positive leader is aware of power and its impact. How do you tend to use your power?" Follow Marcella on Twitter at @MarcellaBremer.
Joel Garfinkle of the Career Advancement Blog shared 8 Traits of Great Leaders. Joel summarizes: "Some people are born with an inherent ability to get others to follow them, However charisma isn't the only trait of a great leader. Here are the most essential traits that great leaders have." Find Joel on Twitter at @JoelGarfinkle.
Neal Burgis of Successful Solutions contributed Admitting to Mistakes Leads to Greater Productivity. Neal explains: "By admitting to your mistakes or errors, you are able to reach higher performance. This has been proven through the work of Amy Edmundson through Psychological Safety and others. There are a few things you do need to watch out for." Follow Neal on Twitter at @exec_solutions.
Lisa Kohn of Thoughtful Leaders Blog provided shared A quick, simple brain exercise to get your day (and leadership) off to a strong start. Lisa shares a quick, simple brain exercise to get your day (and leadership) off to a strong start. "By focusing yourself more on the positive and what’s working, you model this behavior for everyone around you… and you are able to point yourself, your team, and your organization in a direction that will help you hold onto the good stuff more and reap the benefits in engagement, fulfillment, and effectiveness." Connect with Lisa on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Jill Malleck of Epiphany at Work contributed Adaptive Leaders are Best for Everyone. Jill summarizes: "Leaders may be dismayed to find they get along with some on their team more than others. Here are some ways to ensure you stay open to, and appreciate, diverse perspectives." Connect with Jill on Twitter at @epiphanyatwork.
Katie Russell of Connection Culture shared Millennials and Gen Z: Connecting with and Managing Younger Generations in the Workplace. How can you build strong, mutually beneficial work relationships with the youngest members of today's workforce - millennials and Gen Z? Katie Russell, editor at Connection Culture Group and a millennial manager, shares her perspective. Find Katie on Twitter at @ConnectToThrive.
David Grossman of The Grossman Group provided 6 Steps to Effective Communication in the Manufacturing Industry. David shares: "In manufacturing companies, plant employees are on the front lines with the power to turn strategy into results; yet despite their key role, many manufacturing employees are disengaged. When companies focus on improving communication at their plants, they often make significant strides with engagement. Get started with these 6 steps." Follow David on Twitter at @ThoughtPartner.
Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting contributed Managing Professional Expectations is No Easy Task. Bill explains: "Workers sometimes miss due dates, don’t prioritize, or plain misinterpret expectations. When held accountable, they learn to grow and succeed, and just as importantly, you learn to create reasonable expectations genuinely communicated in a way that is clear to everyone." Follow Bill on Twitter at @btreasurer.
Steve DiGioia contributed Can You Feel It?. Steve writes: "In the past, you've questioned your leadership but now you’ve turned the corner. Your team has started to believe in you. You’ve wondered if you can get this group of recruits to do better, be better, perform better. And, most importantly, to believe in themselves enough to deliver the service to your customers that you’ve always hoped for, maybe even dreamed for. You can’t touch it, but the feeling is there." Find Steve on Twitter at @stevedigioia.
Randy Conley of Leading with Trust shared The 4 Mindsets of High Performance Teams. Randy shares: "Organizations charge teams with solving their most complex and persistent problems." This post shares the four mindsets that fuel success of high performance teams. Connect with Randy on Twitter at @RandyConley.
And More...
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership provided Sometimes “Improvement” Makes Things Worse. Wally explains: "If you want an example of how improvement can make things worse, just pick up a tomato at your local grocery store." Connect with Wally on Twitter at @WallyBock.
Eileen McDargh contributed Your Body Outsmarts Your Brain. Eileen explains: "Burnout is a critical issue for employees and employers. Learn how our internal self-talk overrides what our body is telling us and why you should listen to your body and not your brain." Connect with Eileen on Twitter at @macdarling.
Jon Mertz of Thin Difference shared Skip Collaboration for Momentum. Go Alone.. Jon considers: "What if we need to skip collaboration to gain momentum? To go alone may be viewed as non-collaborative. The truth is, to go alone can lead to good collaboration." Connect with Jon on Twitter at @thindifference.
Jim Taggart of Changing Winds shared Are You a Hang Dog Leader?. Jim considers: "In business, hang dog leaders typically don’t last long, especially with a very competitive marketplace with new competitors entering continually. In short, there’s a cleansing effect in business because of its very different nature from government." Follow Jim on Twitter at @72keys.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month's carnival! If you would like to be added to the distribution list for submission calls, please fill out this form and we'll be happy to add you to the list.