Show Some ID

October 31, 2010
Mike Henry
Operations and IT Consultant
connect, contributing members, links, members, Resources, team, Teamwork, VisionWe have liftoff! For the last few months I've been working with a lot of new technologies preparing to build a leadership web destination. The community of leaders we have assembled on LinkedIn and Facebook and Twitter (@mikehenrysr/leadchange and @mikehenrysr/@leadchange-2) is unparalleled. Now it's time to take it to the next level.
Thanks to Shawn Murphy of Achieved Strategies and Phil Tretheway of Trethaway Designs, we have a new badge! Check this out. Now you can show off your membership in the community.
When you become a member of the group, if you have a blog, we will list your blog in the Leadership Blogs page on this site. This will serve as a free resource for people searching for blogs and it will also help both of our sites. To list your blog there are 3 steps:
- Register (if you haven't already) and enter your blog in the Details part of your profile. Click on your name in the login box and Edit Profile / Details.
- Then, on your blog, create a text widget. Insert the following code which will place a 125x125 badge in your sidebar that tells the world you're part of the LeadChange community.
- Send a message or tweet to me with the name and category you'd like your blog placed in.
I'll click the link to your website from your profile and confirm everything.
Oh, I almost forgot the code for the badge. This will give you a badge that links to the home page.
<a href="">
<img style="height:125px;width:125px;border:0"
And this will give you a badge that links to the Leadership Blogs page.
<a href="">
<img style="height:125px;width:125px;border:0"
src=""> </a>
And if you feel like you're giving something away when you do this, you can also have the link go to a different page than the blogs link here on the website. If you're a member, just send them to your member profile page. The way you do that is to edit the link above and replace the link for the leadership blogs page with a link to your members profile. If you have any questions, please just drop me a line.
All November we'll be publicizing the members in the community that are helping make the LeadChange site a destination for people interested in character-based leadership. For example, we published a Contributors Carnival post yesterday. The idea is to direct Lead Change readers back to the websites of our Contributing Members. If we do this together, we will make a difference and our world will be changed.
The only question is, will you take part? Well, will you?
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike Henry Sr., donhornsby, Michael McKinney, Jessica Henry, Vicky Henry and others. Vicky Henry said: New Post: Show Some ID (via @mikehenrysr) […]
Hi Mike. I know this might be more information than most people want, but I researched how to center the badge, if you are putting it on a sidebar for instance, like I wanted to.
Just added the segments “” and “” as below. And you can replace “center” with “right” or “left” if you wish. FWIW.
Probably your best best is to go to this link:
Scroll down or search for the entry from the poster named “futurevisions.” This person offers a really simple suggestion for aligning images.
Well I see that worked really well, by inserting that html in this form, you can’t see a thing! I’ll be back 🙂
Mary, I see that you got it working and you even have the badge link back to your author page. Good Job! Sorry I wasn’t around to be more help.
I would love to be a part of this effort. Let me know what I can do to help. I am new to blogging but I am hooked on it and I very much believe in character based leadership!
Thanks for speaking up. I’ll send you an introductory email. Feel free to register for a free account to share ways we can connect with you further. Also, please let me know if I can do anything to help you.
I have added your new Lead Change Group ID button added to my blog –
Please can you add my blog to your Leadership page under the title ‘Positive Leadership’?
Many thanks,
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Quality Leaders tread the path less traveled. The path (spiritually speaking) calls for transformative leadership. Transformation is, literally, a forming over, a restructuring. By transformation we speak of the transformation of people–specifically the transformation of consciousness. In this context consciousness does not mean simple waking consciousness. You are keenly aware that you have awareness. In effect, this is a new perspective that sees other perspectives–a paradigm shift. Quality Leadership is more than talk. Anyone can say that he has integrity, but action is the real indicator of a quality leader. Your character and consciousness determines who you are.