Sonia DiMaulo: The Character-Based Leader Co-Author Interview Author Interview

Best of Books
October 5, 2012
Christina Haxton
Author Inteviews, Character-based Leadership, The Character Based Leader, trust. Sonia DiMauloCheck out this great interview with Author Sonia DiMaulo:
Chapter Title: "Trust Daily Actions"
Sonia DiMaulo
Founder, Harvest Performance
At Harvest Performance, we use the power of authentic feedback to help Leaders Cultivate Trust & Collaboration. How do you cultivate trust & collaboration to positively impact those around you?
Sonia Di Maulo (B.A., M.A.) is the founder, feedback enthusiast, speaker, leader, performance improvement professional and creator of award-winning programs ? is passionate about helping leaders find the right performance strategies to grow their teams’ potential for trust and collaboration. Her proven 3 plus 1 feedback strategy harvests connection and boosts individual and team performance.
Sonia has published articles in PerformanceXpress and Human Resources IQ. She is also a contributor of the Lead Change Group (a Global Leadership Community of Leaders Growing Leaders), and In the Loop (a Guide to Getting the Most out of Work).
Her current book projects: The Apple in the Orchard, a fable that illustrates the importance of working collaboratively to achieve peak performance and Expose Exceptional Performance, a guide to successful implementation of her 3+1 feedback strategy, showcases case study learnings from organizations that have implemented the strategy.
Connect with Sonia online –
E-mail: | Twitter: @soniadima | Phone: 450-624-0459 | LinkedIn: soniadimaulo
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[…] Check out Sonia’s interview on Lead Change Group. […]