Switchers: Change Careers and Seize Success

July 10, 2019
WI Admin
career advice, career change, career tips, Dawn Graham, Video, WebinarAre you stuck in the wrong profession? An industry that just isn’t a fit? Want to get unstuck, and pull off the most daring and fulfilling career move of your life—landing a new career that you're genuinely passionate about?
Career changers face unique challenges that demand fresh approaches. The first step is to recognize that the usual rules and job search tools won’t work for you. Resumes and job boards were designed with traditional applicants in mind. As a career switcher, you have to go beyond the basics, using tactics tailor-made to ensure your candidacy stands out.
Dr. Dawn Graham, through her years as a career coach and licensed psychologist, and research for Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers—and Seize Success, has uncovered proven strategies that will get you where you want to go. Listen in as she shares psychological insights, practical exercises, and inspiring success stories to help you leap over obstacles and into a whole new field. You will discover how to think like hiring managers do, rebrand yourself to align with your new aspirations, spotlight transferable skills and craft a resume that catches their attention, nail interviews by turning tough questions to your advantage, and more.
Don’t settle . . . SUCCEED in the right career!
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar with award-winning entrepreneur and author Bonnie Marcus, considering what the #MeToo movement means for workplace culture and politics. This movement was all over the news, internet, and social media. But what, if any, has its impact been in the workplace?
Join Bonnie and Becky Robinson on September 11th at 1 PM ET to explore the dynamic of office politics, how women can use the tools in the political toolkit to become politically savvy, and what companies can do to help support women in the workplace. Learn more and register here.