The Art of Servant Leadership

May 15, 2019
WI Admin
Art Barter, Servant Leaders, Servant Leadership, Video, WebinarBy integrating the servant-led paradigm into their inner lives and professional thinking, today’s leaders can revolutionize heartless corporate strategies that reward the few at the expense of the many.
Not many industry revolutions begin with a typical married couple who risk everything to do something they’ve never done before. But that is exactly what Art and Lori Barter did in 2004, when they purchased Datron World Communications. The husband and wife duo knew everything about the power of strong values and the lack of values in modern corporations, but nothing about running a large-scale business that was—at the time—losing money.
Today, Datron World Communications is a multimillion-dollar, multicultural, international company with customers in more than eighty countries. That success is proof that serving others with compassion and humility brings unprecedented rewards.
Listen to an hour-long conversation with Art Barter, author of The Art of Servant Leadership II, and learn how to transform your business to a servant-led organization that prioritizes integrity over profitability and never-ending quests to accumulate power. By integrating the servant-led paradigm, today's leaders can revolutionize heartless corporate strategies that reward the few at the expense of the many.
If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy our upcoming webinar with Pam McLean, CEO and Co-Founder of Hudson Institute of Coaching, on developing the best in yourself in order to develop the best in other. As a coach or leader, it is integral to understand your internal landscape in order to strengthen and extend your capacities. In order to do great work as coaches, we need to be in tune with our internal landscape at all times.
Join Pam and Becky Robinson on May 15th at 1 PM ET to explore the meta-skill in today’s world for both coaches and leaders – the cultivation of use of self. You will explore highlights of Pam's new book, Self as Coach, Self as Leader, and learn how to cultivate the inner landscape and deepen capacity to use yourself as the most important instrument in the work of coaching and leading others. Learn more and register here.