The Servant Leadership Journal

A typical top-down, power-based leader, Art Barter began using servant leadership to transform his organization and people from the inside out. As he showed others he was serious about becoming a different type of leader—one who could be trusted to act the same way he talked—dramatic improvements were achieved. Leaders across the company freed employees to operate at their fullest potential and discover significance in their work.
In The Servant Leadership Journal, author and servant leadership implementer Art Barter teaches nine behaviors necessary to grow into a servant leader. Through the journaling process, these behaviors will change your mindset about leading in your personal life and your organization, thus changing your leadership behaviors and allowing you to reap rewards you never thought possible.
This week, as we celebrate the two-year anniversary of The Servant Leadership Journal, take some to listen in to our conversation with Art. Learn a profound truth about the dysfunction in organizations, and discover how to change your leadership behaviors even further, to transform yourself into a leader who "behaves the talk"™ and becomes a leader worth following.
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