A Chance to Make a Difference for Dan Rockwell

December 20, 2011
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
As of January 14, 2012, we've raised over $18,000 for Dan. Thank you for your generosity. If you'd like to help him further, you can contact Dan directly.
Update as of midday on 12/24: in the past 24 hours, we've seen our contributions double, in large part to a sizable anonymous donation. We are at 40% of our goal and we are thankful for a generous friends who are giving to this effort. Will you continue to share and invite others to give to help us reach our goal of $30,000 by January 1, 2012. Read on...
If you have learned from Dan Rockwell
If you have been encouraged by his words
If you have been inspired by his wisdom
If you've been challenged by his insights
If you've been motivated by his coaching
If you've received his generosity
If you consider yourself a part of his community, his tribe, his online family...
We invite you to GIVE to help Dan.
We're hoping to raise $30,000 by January 1, 2012, to help Dan with expenses he's incurred as a result of a car accident on Sunday, November 21st.
If each friend who reads and follows Dan's blog gives what they can, we'd reach our goal very quickly.Let's join together and make a difference.
We have a chance to help. We have the chance to make a difference.
THOUSANDS of people read Dan's blog each day. THOUSANDS benefit from the value he shares. If we join together, we can send a powerful statement to Dan about his value to us as a community.
During this busy season of giving, would you take a moment to share a gift with Dan?
And, would you be so kind as to share this post with others? Send a few tweets, share on Facebook or Google+, link to this post from your blog, or send a link to this post in an email to friends. We would appreciate whatever you can do to help us involve others in this effort.
Through the Lead Change Group, we'll be able to help Dan through this difficult time. Funds will be directed to Dan through the Lead Change Group, and only a modest amount will be deducted to pay PayPal fees. The rest of the money will go directly to Dan to help with medical bills and ongoing expenses he faces as a result of his accident and injury. And all your gifts through the Lead Change Group are tax deductible.
If you haven't heard about Dan and his story, read on for more information...
Early Thanksgiving morning, I received a tweet from my friend Jesse Lyn Stoner, alerting me that our friend, Dan Rockwell, had been seriously injured in an auto accident. Right away, I scoured Dan's Facebook page and blog looking for information. A few days earlier on a sunny Sunday morning while driving down a familiar road, Dan's truck collided with a tree (he doesn't remember the details of what caused the accident.)
The good news is that, due to quick intervention by medical professionals and God's kindness and protection, Dan survived the accident and is on his way to recovery. It's been a rough road so far for Dan; he sustained extensive injuries including a shattered hip, broken hand, and injured neck.
I have been privileged to call Dan my friend over the past few years. I met him soon after he started his blog, Leadership Freak. He came out of nowhere and quickly established his blog as one of the most-read and most-loved leadership blogs. He's created an amazing community of readers, fans, and followers.
What has most impressed me about Dan, from our first phone call in the early 2010, is his unending generosity to others. Dan never stops looking for ways to add value to others. I watched as he increased his blog posts from five days a week to seven in his quest to continue to bring his encouragement, insight, and wisdom to his readers. His consistency and dedication are unparalleled.
Dan has given so much to me; he's given so much to all of us who are blessed to interact with him online.
We now have a unique opportunity to give back to him.
Due to the accident, Dan is facing huge financial burdens — out of pocket expenses for his medical bills and other expenses related to his hospitalization, rehabilitation, and recovery.
Will you give, today, to help meet the need Dan and his family are facing? Let's join together and show our love, care, and appreciation to Dan.
Also, stop by Dan's Facebook Page and give him your get well and Merry Christmas wishes too!
Many thanks to Lolly Daskal, Jesse Lyn Stoner, and Mike Henry who have worked with me to bring this together. Also, thanks to Anthony Mejean for donating his talent to our cause in creating the graphic.
Becky and all,
Your kind words and compassion are a great joy to me.
It’s humbling to be on the receiving end of generosity. Thank you!
People ask how the accident and subsequent recovery have changed me. It took a few days to be able to say what I’m about to say. I love being loved. It lifts me.
My preference is being on the giving rather than the receiving side. However, being close to death and dependent on others makes me appreciate everyone who cares for me. I choose to reject bitterness over the accident and embrace gratitude for all the love that comes my way.
My Best to you all,
I know I speak for many of us when I say we’ll continue to pray for a speedy recovery, physically and emotionally. And we’ll continue to pray for strength for your family.
Physical interaction is no longer is necessary to build friendships. Though you and I have had only phone an online conversations, I consider you to be a friend. I know many others feel the same way.
We are grateful that you are here, fully alive, sharing your friendship, love, wisdom, and gratitude.
Wishing you a speedy recovery Dan. Thanks for all you do for others, now it is time to receive. Thoughts and prayers for you, my friend.
Take CARE and feel better soon.
[…] and Jesse Lyn Stoner are pouring into my cup. They wanted to encourage and decided to help meet the financial need that exceeds our insurance coverage. They give us […]
I tried to make a donation today but I think the billing you’ve set up doesn’t allow for non-USA donations. Please make an adjustment so I can help Dan.
John, Thanks for your desire to help Dan. We’ll do what we can, as soon as we can, to open this up for international gifts. We appreciate your generosity!
John, not sure where you’re from, but donations are working from Canada at this time.From what I could see, it should work using a credit card from most countries.
Becky, I have no qualms about helping out Dan. He’s a ray of light in this world and I know that the money will go to what it’s needed for. Thanks for letting the community know of Dan’s need.
Thank you for getting involved in this effort! I appreciate your generosity in giving and sharing about Dan’s needs with others.
Merry Christmas!
Although we have never met, I feel that I have got to know you somewhat over the last year or so, tweeting, reading your blogs and interacting over the internet. I have always enjoyed your blogs, FB and tweets, and learned much from your perspective, leadership and knowledge over this time.
Dan, giving back something is not only an honor but a pleasure, I just wish I could write you the whole dam cheque. Hang tough (as I know you will), and I look forward to your continued recovery and sharing of knowledge in 2012.
Best to you and yours,
Will be thinking of you,
Simon – ( @Simon_gb )
Simon, thank you for your kind words to Dan and for your support of this effort!
[…] they’re going it again…this time in a fund-raising effort for Dan Rockwell, aka the LeadershipFreak, and giving many people — through the glorious reach of social media — […]
You are a mentor, coach and friend to so many people. We are all thinking of you and sending you positive vibes from all over the world.
Thank you for posting this – I’ve shared it across my networks!
Becky, Mike and Lead Change Group community – you are the BEST!!! It’s an honor to be part of this group – to learn, share life and to help one another. I’m grateful for this opportunity for your efforts!!
Dan, I have shared this post and am happy to help!! Your leadership content is some of the best there is, and I know I (and my followers too) have learned from what you share!! Your heart is big, your mind is brilliant and I hope your soul is nourished by this effort.
Much love and healing to you, my friend!!
Dan we hope you can recovery fast!!!
I tweeted for my followers and I am sure that we are find more and more good hearts to help you!!! God bless you and your family!!! We want you well, with health and happy!!! I’m sure you will return your activities soon 😉
Merry Christmas,
[…] donate through Mike Henry Sr.’s Lead Change Group site. Here’s the […]
[…] many of you are reaching out to help me during these difficult days, since my nearly fatal accident. As of last night over $5,000.00 has […]
Becky…the note seemed to indicate that any gifts would be directed through a 501c3 – if so, do you have an address? If that is the case, I have a giving account where I can actually do more but need an address, phone number and contact person to submit the request. If not, no problem, please just clarify and I’ll go back through the PayPal site.
thanks so much.
The Lead Change Group is a 501c3. Mike Henry directs it. I don’t have an address but I’ll see what I can do. I hope you’ll have a response from Mike Henry soon. Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help!
Michael, I sent you a separate email. If anyone else has questions, you can ask here or on the Contact Us page too.
Thanks, Mike…
Hi Becky,
I am catching up on tasks left over from the Christmas rush and this was on the top of my list. Thanks for your leadership, compassion, and leadership.
Dan, we wish for a speedy recovery and hope that these donations can ease the financial burden of your recovery so that you can focus on yourself and what you need to do to become healthy and whole as much as is possible. All the best to both of you.
[…] If you head to his blog and you read about who he is, you’ll be glad you took a few minutes to let his words pore over you and into you. And then, if you feel a pull to donate and contribute to his healing, the donation page to help with Dan’s medical expenses can be found here: https://leadchangegroup.com/time-to-give-back/ […]
[…] a way of standing by and showing support for Dan, the Lead Change Group (a non-profit leadership development community promoting character-based leadership) has started a […]