What Is Fueling You?

Personal Development
October 17, 2014
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
blogs, Books, fuel, Inspiration, Leadership, serviceOne of the best parts of my job is getting to read the newest leadership titles, long before they release. Sometimes it's after I have signed a new client and sometimes it's in the process of deciding whether it is a fit to work together.
Last night, I spent some time with PopeyesⓇ CEO Cheryl Bachelder's manuscript of Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by Serving Others. Look for it in March 2015. It is also available now for pre-order.
I instantly began to feel myself energized and inspired by her words and story. And while I may or may not have the honor of helping to bring her book to the world, I am grateful for the way her words connected so powerfully with me as a leader.
Having just finished a busy book launch season, I realized, again, the importance of taking time to find time to fuel my own journey with wisdom from others. When life and business present challenges (this week for me: a lost wallet and a possibly-ruined laptop), it's easy to lose sight of the bigger purpose I have as a leader, including the privilege and opportunity to serve those I am leading.
Fueled by reading and reflecting on others' insights and experiences, I find strength to lead well. Books, blogs, tweets: what inspires and fuels you?
Are you setting aside regular time to remind yourself of what's important to you and those you lead? If not, what is preventing you from prioritizing your own growth and learning? What could you shift, today, to make room in your schedule for re-fueling? How can this Lead Change Group community support your growth and learning?
Here is a very small sneak preview of the inspiration I received from Bachelder's book:
"The Dare-to-Serve Leader must have the courage to focus on and solve the hard things facing the organization. That means the leader must choose to act on the vital few things that will deliver superior results."
Will you dare to serve today?
My husband and son are HUGE Popeye’s fans so I find myself there somewhat frequently (and look at them a little jealously after I peel the skin off my chicken and see them consume those yummy biscuits …. I have to give them props for their green beans though). But I digress …. it will be very interesting when her book comes out to hear about that business from her view. I was asked the “what fuels you” question recently elsewhere. Every time I am asked, I come back to the running (and walking…) community. So many stories of overcoming adversity; so much time to let our minds unfurl (which rarely happens otherwise).