What To Do When a Leader's Behavior is Damaging, Self-Defeating, or Ineffective
Team Dynamics
April 4, 2013
David Dye
President of Trailblaze, Inc.
bad leadership, managing up, poor leaderDéjà Vu All Over Again
I sat across from the Executive Vice President and made my case…
I suggested the company change the way it handled a specific process and made my five part case why it was a good idea.
The VP listened, grimaced, and then grinned. “If only it were that easy.”
“But it is that easy,” I challenged, “it’s just a matter of having the will to do it!” (I was young – and eager.)
Fast forward thirteen years.
A new staff member stood on the other side of my desk – standing in the same place I had once stood…
Presenting the same case I had made thirteen years earlier.
But this time, she was speaking to me! Now that I was the executive, things would be different, right?
To find out what happened, keep reading…
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Take care,