January 2015 Leadership Development Carnival

January 5, 2015
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
Leadership, Leadership DevelopmentThis Leadership Development Carnival is the first of 2015 and the first since the Lead Change Group has taken the reins from Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership.
Since the first Leadership Development Carnival in July 2008, our community has grown, evolved, and thrived.
I appreciate Dan's stewardship of this carnival over the years, and feel privileged to be entrusted with it for the future.
For our inaugural post, we are highlighting relevant posts about preparing to lead well in the new year. Fittingly enough, we start with Dan's submission:
Let's Get Started
Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership shared New Year's Development Goals For Leaders. Dan notes: "For many leaders, it’s a time to reflect on accomplishments for the year and establish goals for the upcoming New Year. It’s also a good time to set leadership development goals, either as part of a formal development planning process, or just because it’s a proven way to continuously improve as a leader." Find Dan on Twitter at @greatleadership.
Dana Theus of In Power Consulting submitted Communicating Powerfully In 2015. Dana reminds us: "Communications is more than the words spoken. Powerful communications result from powerful intentions." Follow Dana on Twitter at @danatheus.
Jane Perdue of the Braithwaite Innovation Group contributed Changing Stereotypes About Family Time Off. Jane says: "Starting a new year is prime time for assessing and changing outdated stereotypes that impede doing what's right." Follow Jane on Twitter @thehrgoddess.
Jeff Harmon of Brilliance Within Coaching sent What Got You Here Won't Get You There. Jeff writes: "As you lead, you need your people to be and give their best, but the harsh reality is the odds are stacked against you that this is actually happening. The truth is what got you here and the results you are getting won’t get you there and the results you want and need in 2015. Upgrading how you lead provides the largest opportunity to upgrade the results you get." Follow Jeff on Twitter at @jeffdharmon74.
Jennifer V. Miller of The People Equation shared Tips For Wrapping Up the Year. Jennifer accumulated these tips from her colleagues. What a great idea. Follow Jennifer on Twitter at @JenniferVMiller.
Jesse Lyn Stoner of the Seapoint Center provided Why Your Company Values Might Not Matter. Jesse commented: "Research shows that high-trust, values-driven companies outperform in the marketplace. So why do so few companies fail in their effort? Here's a true story and the 5 common errors they made that will derail any effort, including your own." Follow Jesse on Twitter at @JesseLynStoner.
Jill Malleck of Epiphany At Work asks Should You Give 'Em Hell This Year? She elaborates: "The start of a new year gives leaders an opportunity to be bold and reset expectations. But if you give ‘em hell, do it right." Follow Jill on Twitter @epiphanyatwork.
Jim Taggart of Changing Winds submitted Should Work-Life Integration Replace Work-Life Balance? Jim says: "I chose a very recent post, which I believe fits well with bringing in the New Year. Hopefully, it will stimulate people to do some reflection on what has been a long-talked about topic: work-life balance. Given our increasingly busy lives and the turbulence affecting organizations, caused by local and far-away events, leaders face the growing challenge of how to maintain focus. Yet they must also somehow try to maintain balance in their own lives, while advocating this for the people they lead. My post takes a different look at work-life balance, suggesting some other approaches to explore." Find Jim on Twitter at @72keys.
John Hunter of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog provided Leading Improvement & Enjoying The Rewards. He writes: "As a leader your primary responsibility is to improve the system: both the systems within your sphere of control and those outside of it. One powerful way to leverage your impact is coaching people so they are able to be more effective at improving the system themselves." Follow John on Twitter at @curiouscat_com.
Jon Mertz of Thin Difference sent Live & Lead So Others Will Not Miss You. Jon continues: "It's easy for leaders to get caught up in the myth of being missed. As we look toward 2015, we must lead and live so that we aren't missed. To truly lead with purpose is to empower others to continue our mission even when we're gone." Follow Jon on Twitter @ThinDifference.
Linda Fisher Thornton of Leading In Context encourages you to explore 9 Questions For Ethical Leaders In The New Year. She says: "As we head into the New Year, use these 9 questions to plan how you will transform your leadership, your workplace and your world." Follow her on Twitter at @Leadingincontxt.
Lisa Kohn of The Thoughtful Leaders Blog presented The Gym Is Overcrowded For Only a Few Weeks: Why Make New Year's Resolutions Anyway?. In her article, she shares how to successfully leverage New Year’s resolutions as an opportunity to change behavior and be a more Thoughtful leader. Find Lisa on Twitter at @ThoughtfulLdrs.
Mark Deterding of Triune Leadership Services shared Set The Stage To Build Performance in 2015. Mark comments: "Personal development and enhancing your performance as a leader takes intentional action. In this post I highlight some key steps to help insure an improved year of leadership performance in 2015." Follow Mark on Twitter at @mwdeterding.
Mary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting gave us How Personality Assessment Can Help You Be A Better Leader. She believes: "Beginning a new year as a leader should begin with a self-awareness gut check. Personality assessments can help begin the self-awareness process for ourselves and our team as we drive towards results in 2015." Follow her on Twitter at @maryilaward.
Mary Jo Asmus of Aspire-CS recommends Forget Resolutions & Make A Commitment. She says: "Resolutions can be wishy-washy. Commitments are solid. Try committing to improving the way you lead in 2015; here’s how." Follow Mary Jo on Twitter at @mjasmus.
Miki Saxon of Mapping Company Success provided Successful New Year Resolutions. This post is a look at why resolutions often fail even for those who typically achieve their goals and a simple way to change the outcome. Follow Miki on Twitter @OptionSanity.
Neal Burgis, Ph.D. of Burgis Successful Solutions submitted Happy New Year 2015: Breakthrough Success Plan. The plan includes things you can do to create and produce business breakthrough results and move forward in order to thrive in the new year. Find Neal on Twitter @exec_solutions.
Page Cole of Synergize.Me shared This Moment Changes Everything. Page noted: "It's easy to allow our discouragements, failures or even the chaos in the world to overwhelm us. Although we never had a choice about the where & when of our birth, we do have choices about how to play the cards we're dealt." Find Page on Twitter at @synergize_me.
Randy Conley of Leading With Trust submitted Ditch the New Year's Resolution and Do This One Thing Instead. Randy shares: "If you’re like most people you’re probably already struggling with your New Year’s resolution to lead and live in different ways." He suggest this "one thing" alternative. Follow Randy on Twitter at @randyconley.
S. Chris Edmonds of Driving Results Through Culture contributed The Announcements Fallacy. Read this post to find out the definition of MbA, which is different from an MBA. Follow Chris on Twitter @scedmonds.
Scott Eblin of the Eblin Group points us to Set Your Direction of 2015 With A Life GPS. In this post, he shares how to create and use a Life GPS that will help you show up at your best as a leader in 2015 and create the outcomes you hope for not just at work but at home and in your community. Follow Scott on Twitter at @scotteblin.
Susan Mazza of Random Acts Of Leadership sent A Year Of Kindness, A Call To Lead. When asked she says: "What if committing an act of leadership could be as simple as committing an act of kindness?" Find Susan on Twitter at @susanmazza.
Tanmay Vora of QAspire submitted Better Leadership In 2015 & Beyond: 9 Essentials. Tanmay further shared: "The challenges that leaders often face in a VUCA world are also opportunities to practice better leadership, provided we know the essentials of leading in a new world of work. This post outlines 9 essential thoughts that will define leadership success in 2015 and beyond." Find Tanmay on Twitter at @tnvora.
Wally Bock of Three Star Leadership sent Your New Year Do's Checklist. Wally encourages: "If you want the New Year to be better, you must do things differently." Follow Wally on Twitter at @wallybock.
Until Next Time
We appreciate everyone who submitted posts for this month's carnival. We encourage you to follow our fantastic contributors and consider contributing yourself. Submissions should be forwarded to Paula Kiger at paula@weavinginfluence.com.
Found this link from Paula Kiger today. Lots of good insights and some excellent ideas for creating a happy, healthy and leaderful life! Thanks!
Well, thanks for adding some new names to my Twitter, Feedly, LinkedIn, and Facebook streams:)
Quite a line-up of leadership wisdom here – thanks for sharing with us:)
Discovered this excellent collection of articles via the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog.
I have a few ideas on contributing to a future festival. Is there a set theme or process you’d like me to follow or simply share? 🙂
This is a great list of articles and people to follow. I haven’t used twitter much for leadership advice. But this list should open that door. Thanks for compiling this helpful list, Becky!