A New Type of Hero!

April 15, 2016
Jonathan Moss
District Manager at Verizon Wireless
Heroism, Leadership, serviceNot everyone can be the type of hero that serves our country and defends our freedom. It takes a special type of person. Thank you to all the active service members and veterans!
Not everyone can be the type of hero that saves lives daily. Thank you to all the firefighters, EMTs, doctors and law enforcement agencies!
Everyone and I mean everyone in the world has an opportunity to impact others every day with every interaction! Who knows -- you could be someone's hero by the impact you make on them!
Amazing acts happen when you serve others. Especially when you are a leader, then it becomes part of your culture.
A few weeks ago, one of my teams had an active shooter outside their place of business. The next few things that happened were quite amazing. One of my employees went to the door to lock it. Two other employees started getting everyone to safety. Then, those employees went back to the front of the building to shut the security gates to ensure the safety of everyone. These decisions were made by their subconscious. There was no time to analyze the situation, think about potential options, weigh those options, then come up with a conclusion. The experiences in both life and the work environment of these employees led to this subconscious decision.
It gets better! Another employee, who hadn't eaten all day, gave his sandwich to one of the children who was upset and hungry. After giving him his sandwich, he sat with him and told him that Superman came down and took the bad guy away.
It inspires me and pulls at my heart strings every time I think about it.
I need you do something for me.
Check your pulse.
Is it still beating?
Then you still have time!
The most valuable currency in life is the impact that you make on others! Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Acquaintances, and Complete Strangers! You can be a leader with no title in any environment.
If you show selflessness then your return on happiness will be more than you could ever imagine.
Exchange Rates
The only exchange rate you have to worry about is the smile and feelings you give others when you invest time in them. Investing time in others is a rare commodity these days. If you are a leader of people in any business this should be your number one priority every year when you set them. When you invest in your people, they will invest in your customers. When your people invest in their customers then the customers come back and continue to do business with your organization. If you work for a publicly traded company that means increasing shareholder value.
Charitable Donations
That feeling you get when you give someone something that helps them get through another day. There is not another feeling like it! A main objective of any leader is to get to know their team by understanding them on both a personal and professional level. Gaining trust and respect from a team comes from these types of interactions. Once you have the trust and respect, your team will know that you genuinely care about them which builds up your ability to influence them. Here are ways to increase your charitable donations.
Unlimited Supply
There is no shortage! It is up to you on how much you give everyone that you interact with daily.
Who did you impact today?!
Selflessness is the hallmark of a leader. Like you stated, it requires no title, educational background or social standing. It is the keen awareness of wanting to serve and help other.
Thank you for an excellent post.
Jonathan, I appreciate your perspective and the challenge. The world makes room for genuine, authentic service of another without expectations or cost. Thanks for the encouraging story and reminder. Mike…