Beyond The Bottom Line - Measuring & Celebrating Success

Team Dynamics
December 5, 2014
Becky Robinson
Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence
celebrate, success, What Really Matters, What's ImportantMy team and I will soon pass an important milestone as a company. It's a milestone I identified and have been looking to achieve by year's end.
If I look at it from a big picture, strictly business perspective, I would have reason to downplay or even feel disappointed about my results as a business owner so far.
However, when I view the results and this milestone through a larger perspective - through the lens of our company values and my own personal values - I have a deep sense that I have done well. We have reason to celebrate.
As a leader, it is my job to set the pace for the team. Through what I talk about and celebrate, my team will understand and internalize what's important to us as a company.
Here are a few of the not-so-usual measures I want to celebrate:
Money That Goes Into The World - Though a strictly business mindset would focus on net revenue, an important measure, certainly, I take great joy in the money my business generates as income for others. The money that goes into the world is a measure of blessings shared. The money that goes into the world is a measure of the number of opportunities we are creating. Every pay day, I pray that the money I am sending into the world will have a great return of blessing in the lives of the people who subcontract for my company. I celebrate the money that leaves my company to bless others.
Number Of Books Launched - Our company's primary focus is launching business books. The more books we launch, the more great ideas we are sharing with our online networks and communities. In my view, we can track the difference we are making as a company to the number of books we are launching. More books = more great ideas = making a bigger difference.
The Difference We Are Making - When I feel discouraged, I find encouragement by asking myself this question: "Whose life is different because I am doing this work?"
When I ask this question, my mind floods with obvious people - the team members working with me and the clients we serve - and with less-obvious people. If you are reading this, you might be one of the less-obvious people.
What kind of difference do I want to make? A big one! This unsolicited comment from a team member sums up what I want to create and celebrate:
"I love what I do. I love who I work with. The respect level is high. The teamwork is great. The support we have for each other is second to none. My wife and I have a stronger relationship now because I'm happy with what I do. I get to spend time with and bond with my daughter."
As a leader, I could focus on the less-than-perfect numbers on our P&L. As CEO, it is my job to look at the bottom line.
As I attend to the bottom line, I am also mindful of the measures that matter beyond the bottom line. And you can bet I'm celebrating them.
When I look back on the last decade+ at a job that did not always live out values friendly to the fact that we all had families (or personal lives and commitments at least) to nurture, I shudder at the effects it had on my relationships (so I agree w/the team member quoted). That said, I know a business has to do the business pieces too … as a team member I value being held accountable for the concrete deliverables that contribute to that bottom line. It’s always a balancing act, and I appreciate your approach to it, Becky!
Weaving Influence is wowsome! Every celebration you mentioned seems like a stellar level success to me. You asked “Whose life is different because I am doing this work?” Clearly the work you are doing has benefits that you will never know about. I believe that theory of six degrees of separation applies in reverse too. Six degrees away from what is visible, your work is impacting people. I’m only one degree of separation and my life is changing now because of our meeting in 2013. There is no way to measure success in this environment. (that is the wrong word, but I’m lost for the right term)
Hi Becky
Thanks for a great post. I just want to offer a little bit of encouragement. The world could do with a few more CEOs like yourself who understand that a business is not defined by the numbers on a P&L statement, but instead by how well you are executing on the vision for the company (what Simon Sinek referred to as the “why?”).
Hang in there, keep hitting milestones and you will build a great business.
Kind Regards.
David Pethick
Hi, Becky
Excuse the lateness of my response, but it’s been that kind of EOY …
As one who has valued the commitment and energy I sense in your organization, I was tickled to see you so clearly articulate what I see as the strength of all this. The world could use a lot more CEO’s like you and a lot less of the kinds we too often experience.
Love this phrase: “More books = more great ideas = making a bigger difference.” Nailed it:).
Dear Becky,
This is a wonderful post, more so because one sees it has been written from heart. Especially the anonymous feedback that reflected about what a free mind can accomplish. I think at the core it is always about “Self Realization”, “Awareness” and “Introspection” – the sooner one reaches this combination, one gets mentally transported to a completely different orbit. It is this shift that is so critical in our individual journeys.
I have always believed that leading from the heart is the only way to connect with the soul, which makes all the difference. You are not only living this through but obviously helping others build the right contours of leadership – at least the one that is sustainable, enduring and built to last. Best wishes