Clarity Brings A Leader's Vision to Life

It is the desire of every leader to see their vision become reality. The challenge leaders face translating vision to reality is having the focus and clarity to bring their vision to life. Prior to any discussion of bringing a vision to life you need solid plan, a foundation.

What Is Clarity Really About?

Clarity really means to be free of roadblocks, obstacles... to be clear in purpose. You need to have a simple understanding of what you want and to be clear, exact in how you will reach your vision. When you are clear about what you want, you can explain your vision to others so they can understand your vision as well.  Think of clarity as the fuel of vision and action. If you aren’t clear about the “why and how” you will never lift your vision off the ground.

Clarity Gives Direction.

Your team cannot follow you unless you give them a map.  Without directions you are on a road to nowhere. The clarity you bring to your vision lays down the map to follow. The team knows where you are going and you have the ability to set the course.  There will be many twists and turns in the road and you don’t want to lose your team in quest to bring your vision to life. Be sure to have this plan laid out before you set out on your journey.

Clarity Breeds Passion.

When you as a leader are clear in your vision you cannot contain the passion and excitement you have when speaking to others about your vision. When you are expressing your vision they feel it. Your team can smell and taste their world once your vision is implemented.  They “get it”. They will get on board your bus so to speak. They will want to join your cause and carry forward your mission with you.  The vision and passion come together and now they have a mission as well. When folks understand the mission, when they have clear marching orders, now you have a passionate team.

Clarity Gives Meaning.

The mundane routine daily work can become stale. We tend look at daily tasks as being dull and void of any real value.  If a leader can provide clarity to the task by providing a “why” to the “what”, those daily tasks become less meaningless. The leader shows the purpose behind those tasks that seem so hollow. There is a bigger picture that tasks easily become routine—dull, hollow and void of significance. Clarity can lift the mind’s eye to a greater reality. There can be no cultivation of meaning without clarity.

Clarity Provides Synergy.

There are many reasons why leaders lose their teams:  mistrust, ego and lack of strategic clarity. When a leader brings clarity to the table, roles and tasks fall into focus and the team becomes one unit. Each member works with precision. You bring out the talent within each person. Each person has his or her own unique skill set that can be utilized to bring the vision into reality.

Clarity Defines Focus and Success.

Everyone wants to be successful.  The problem is that without clarity, we have no idea how we are making a difference and being successful in our value.  As a leader, you need to put clarity into the bigger picture to unleash the drive within each team member to achieve their own personal success in the vision.  As humans, our greatest weakness can be that we have so many great ideas that we forget to focus on the proper steps to reach our goals. We get so focus on the vision that we forget how to build a sturdy foundation so that our vision has strength to sustain the test of time.  As stated earlier, clarity has to be free of obstacles and roadblocks. One of those roadblocks is that you cannot try to do everything at once. Take your time, focus on putting the right people in the right jobs and build your vision with clear purpose. Success will come when you are clear about how you value your people and your purpose.

A Visionary Leader Sees Clearly.

When a leader starts firing off disconnected ideas, they tend to lose their street cred with their followers. This can leave others feeling disillusioned. A leader should always be creative but with a bit of precision in how they communicate their ideas. Not every idea is going to be a grand slam. You need to find focus on which ideas you bring to the table and communicate the ones you feel the strongest about to your team.  Over time, a leader will discover that those ideas that have a clear purpose and precise foundation are the ones that stick. You can relate those ideas to others when you see clearly the path that can become a reality. You earn respect from others when you stop trying to throw everything at everyone.

To be a leader with clarity is powerful and there is no limit to how far you will travel when you clearly see the path in front of you.  Find your vision, chart your course, give your followers a plan for the bigger picture and set your sites of bringing your vision to reality.

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