How Will CEO's Of The Future Be Different From CEO's Of Today?

January 26, 2015
Susan Mazza
CEO, Clarus Works
future, LeadershipThe Brighton School of Business shared the following infographic with me and I thought to share it here as a catalyst for conversation in the Lead Change Group.
So take a look and post your answers to one or more of the following questions.
Or perhaps even ask a question of your own:
- Do any of the assertions below, current or predictions about the future, surprise you? If so, which ones and why?
- Today's top CEO's are not active in social media? Do you think that will change in the future? Does it need to change?
- If the predictions about the CEO of the future are accurate, then what are the implications for all leaders at every level for the future - how will we/they need to change, too?
Since this is a pretty long graphic here are the questions again.And please do feel free to pose your own in the comments.
- If the predictions about the CEO of the future are accurate, then what are the implications for all leaders at every level for the future - how will we/they need to change, too?
- Do any of the assertions below, current or predictions about the future, surprise you? If so, which ones and why?
- Today's top CEO's are not active in social media? Do you think that will change in the future? Does it need to change?
As I saw this article on an art forum – I will respond as an artist, that I am. It could be that CEO’s are too busy for social media – but hopefully it will change. I do hope that the new generation of CEO’s has much creativity in them – from what I see, people who have a very creative side at the most likely to succeed. And relating to that, it comes to education, to make sure, art and music, and other art forms are more prevalent in school, as people who are creative are better at solving problems, are more intuitive, and see things with a peripheral vision rather than a linear one. Technology is wonderful and has become completely part of our life but ideas don’t come out of technology, they come from a creative mind.